jadonmmiller / UltimateDuetMenuSystem

An attempt to make the best set of menu files for a 12864 display run by a Duet Maestro.
The Unlicense
21 stars 9 forks source link

a bit of a quality of life improvement #7

Closed MrBlackmidi closed 1 year ago

MrBlackmidi commented 1 year ago

is it possible for it to beep once the knob has been pressed? like the prusa mini beeps.

jadonmmiller commented 1 year ago

Hey, that's a great question!

Unfortunately, the Duet's 12864 display system is fairly closed from a user's viewpoint, and I don't think you can control hardware functions like that without modifying the firmware.

However, I would recommend that you ask about it on the Duet forums, linked below. They're a great community, and very knowledgeable!
