jadore801120 / attention-is-all-you-need-pytorch

A PyTorch implementation of the Transformer model in "Attention is All You Need".
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preprocess error #202

Open zhoup150344 opened 1 year ago

zhoup150344 commented 1 year ago

There are doubts in the preprocessing process, is the spatial language model in the code the four datasets of train, test, val, and split in the WMT16 multimodal translation task, and what code command line are these data sets imported through preprocess.py!以及我的preprocess.py的运行结果存在报错情况,如果能解答我的困惑,我将不胜感激! As well as the running result of my preprocess.py, there are errors. If you can solve my confusion, I would be grateful! B04C451113E7B59B9A1442197DA509C2

GYJHSG commented 1 year ago


Gi-gigi commented 1 year ago


python -m spacy download de 这个代码运行不成功,而且 python preprocess.py -lang_src de -lang_trg en -share_vocab -save_data m30k_deen_shr.pkl 这个命令也报错,。。。。

GreatenAnoymous commented 1 year ago

我是ImportError: cannot import name 'TranslationDataset' from 'torchtext.datasets' 。貌似最新的torchtext里已经没有TranslationDataset这个类了

GreatenAnoymous commented 1 year ago

Up to now, the latest version of torchtext is 0.11.2, which discarded the TranslationDataset. If you want to use TranslationDataset, please install torchtext==0.3.1.

Gi-gigi commented 1 year ago

我是用这个库“https://github.com/dreamgonfly/transformer-pytorch”的开源代码了 。亲测好用。 可能这个库跟不上时代了。

dapaolufuduizhang commented 7 months ago


python -m spacy download de 这个代码运行不成功,而且 python preprocess.py -lang_src de -lang_trg en -share_vocab -save_data m30k_deen_shr.pkl 这个命令也报错,。。。。

Hi,did you solve this problem?