I'm using the file at the bottom as Podcasts and they are shown in the "Browse" area, but I can't find them via the search although the sources are all selected (Podcast, Podcast file, Podcast http, Podcast https).
Also: What is exactly the difference between those sources?
And: are you aware of a possibility or UI to add new podcasts more easily?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<outline title="Brettspiele" text="Brettspiele">
<outline title="All About Brett - Der Brettspiel Podcast" text="All About Brett - Der Brettspiel Podcast" type="rss" xmlUrl="https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1771861.rss" page="https://www.youtube.com/c/MeepleKingBrettspielKanal" />
<outline title="Meeple Porn - Der Brettspiel Podcast (MPLPRN)" text="Meeple Porn - Der Brettspiel Podcast (MPLPRN)" type="rss" xmlUrl="https://meepleporn.podigee.io/feed/mp3" page="https://meepleporn.podigee.io" />
<outline title="Der Brettspiel Podcast" text="Der Brettspiel Podcast" type="rss" xmlUrl="https://brettspiel-podcast.podcaster.de/brettspiel-podcast.rss" page="https://brettspiel-podcast.podcaster.de" />
Your question is best asked on the Mopidy-Podcast repository (or better still, the Mopidy discourse forum). This is the codebase that actually performs the searching logic that you're interested in.
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What happened?
I'm using the file at the bottom as Podcasts and they are shown in the "Browse" area, but I can't find them via the search although the sources are all selected (Podcast, Podcast file, Podcast http, Podcast https).
Also: What is exactly the difference between those sources? And: are you aware of a possibility or UI to add new podcasts more easily?