jaedb / Iris

Discover, explore and manage your music library across multiple sources with this beautiful web-based interface. Iris is a Mopidy frontend extension.
Apache License 2.0
1.13k stars 131 forks source link

Version mismatch between Docker image and `IRIS_VERSION` #921

Open PureTryOut opened 1 year ago

PureTryOut commented 1 year ago

Iris version

Well, that's the question...

Operating system(s) affected

Browser(s) affected

What happened?

My server is running version 3.68.0 of the Docker image, but the web UI is reporting it's still running 3.67.0.


INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:56,309 [2:MainThread] mopidy.__main__
  Starting Mopidy 3.4.1
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:56,394 [2:MainThread] mopidy.config
  Loading config from builtin defaults
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:56,397 [2:MainThread] mopidy.config
  Loading config from file:///var/lib/mopidy/.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:56,398 [2:MainThread] mopidy.config
  Loading config from command line options
WARNING  2023-09-06 08:14:56,403 [2:MainThread] mopidy.config
  Ignoring config section 'pandora' because no matching extension was found
WARNING  2023-09-06 08:14:56,403 [2:MainThread] mopidy.config
  Ignoring config section 'tidal' because no matching extension was found
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:56,413 [2:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Disabled extension ytmusic: ytmusicapi<0.30.0,>=0.22.0 required, but found ytmusicapi 1.2.1 at /var/lib/mopidy/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:56,924 [2:MainThread] mopidy.__main__
  Enabled extensions: spotify, iris, softwaremixer, soundcloud, stream, file, musicbox_webclient, http, m3u, youtube
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:56,931 [2:MainThread] mopidy.__main__
  Disabled extensions: local, mpd, ytmusic
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:57,281 [2:MainThread] mopidy.commands
  Starting Mopidy mixer: SoftwareMixer
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:57,282 [2:MainThread] mopidy.commands
  Starting Mopidy audio
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:57,284 [2:MainThread] mopidy.commands
  Starting Mopidy backends: YouTubeBackend, SoundCloudBackend, SpotifyBackend, FileBackend, M3UBackend, StreamBackend
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:57,291 [2:Audio-2] mopidy.audio.actor
  Audio output set to "alsasink device=rate48000Hz"
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:57,292 [2:YouTubeBackend-3] mopidy_youtube
  file caching not enabled
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:57,296 [2:YouTubeBackend-3] mopidy_youtube
  using jAPI
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:57,488 [2:SoundCloudBackend-4] mopidy_soundcloud.actor
  Logged in to SoundCloud as 'PureTryOut'
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:57,635 [2:SpotifyBackend-5] mopidy_spotify.web
  Logged into Spotify Web API as 11149674269
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:57,636 [2:MainThread] mopidy.commands
  Starting Mopidy core
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:57,655 [2:MainThread] mopidy.commands
  Starting Mopidy frontends: YouTubeAutoplayer, YouTubeCoreListener, IrisFrontend, HttpFrontend
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:57,666 [2:IrisFrontend-12] mopidy_iris.core
  Starting Iris 3.67.0
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:57,691 [2:HttpFrontend-14] mopidy.http.actor
  HTTP server running at [::ffff:]:6680
INFO     2023-09-06 08:14:57,706 [2:MainThread] mopidy.commands
  Starting GLib mainloop
jaedb commented 10 months ago

I think this may be attributed to managing versions across three locations: Docker tags, GitHub tags and the IRIS_VERSION file.

I've made a new release which should test this theory. Can you please check the latest version is matching up at 3.69.2?

PureTryOut commented 10 months ago

Close enough, it reports 3.69.0 now :see_no_evil:

INFO     2023-10-24 07:23:16,477 [2:IrisFrontend-12] mopidy_iris.core
  Starting Iris 3.69.0

Podman says the container is running 3.69.2 as expected though.

jaedb commented 10 months ago

Can you please include your docker-compose.yml file? What image version are you specifying?

I have this:

    container_name: mopidy
    image: jaedb/iris:3.69

and it is successfully starting as expected:


and reporting in the UI as expected:

PureTryOut commented 10 months ago

I don't use Docker compose. I use Ansible instead but it achieves the same result.

  name: "mopidy"
  image: "docker.io/jaedb/iris:3.69.2"
  state: "started"
  restart_policy: "always"
    - "/etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf:/var/lib/mopidy/.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf:ro"
    - "/var/lib/mopidy:/var/lib/mopidy"
    - "/run/snapserver:/run/snapserver"
    - "/etc/asound.conf:/etc/asound.conf:ro"
    PIP_PACKAGES: "yt-dlp Mopidy-Youtube Mopidy-Soundcloud"
    - "6600:6600"
    - "6680:6680"

As you can see I'm even specifying the patch version, still Iris web UI says it's running 3.69.0...