jaegertracing / documentation

Documentation/website for the Jaeger Distributed Tracing project.
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Clarify configuring sampling in the collector #123

Open yurishkuro opened 5 years ago

yurishkuro commented 5 years ago


(a) change "Collector Sampling Configuration" section title to "Collector Configuration", looks better in the TOC in the right sidebar

(b) explain mounting config file for Docker. From gitter

maniaabdi @maniaabdi 16:19
Hello everyone, how should we specify sampling strategies to jaeger-collector. I am using the following command
sudo docker run --rm -p14268:14268 -p9411:9411 -p14267:14267 -e CASSANDRA_SERVERS= -e CASSANDRA_PORT=9042 jaegertracing/jaeger-collector --sampling.strategies-file=/home/ubuntu/strategies.json
and I keep getting
{"level":"fatal","ts":1534364309.442946,"caller":"collector/main.go:228","msg":"Failed to create sampling strategy store","error":"Failed to open strategies file: open /home/ubuntu/strategies.json: no such file or directory","errorVerbose":"open /home/ubuntu/strategies.json: no such file or directory\nFailed to open strategies
but I am sure that my file exist
any help is really appreciated

Won Jun Jang @black-adder 16:26
you have to pass the file to the container as a volume

Prithvi Raj @vprithvi 16:26
(because the file isn't in the container)

Won Jun Jang @black-adder 16:26
-v /home/ubuntu/strategies.json:/home/ubuntu/strategies.json should work
FYfirst commented 4 years ago

I used "nohup ./jaeger-collector --sampling.strategies-file=./strategies.json --es.server-urls --log-level=debug > collector.log 2>&1 &",it worked but no effective. Then,Running the test file strategy_store_test.go,I can see it loaded the sample configuration and I changed the sample.type to remote,it didn't work.

`cfg := jaegerCfg.Configuration{`
       `Sampler: &jaegerCfg.SamplerConfig{`
        `Type: "remote",`
   ` Reporter: &jaegerCfg.ReporterConfig{`
       ` LogSpans: true,`
       ` BufferFlushInterval: 1 * time.Second,`
       ` LocalAgentHostPort: "",`

I created a tracer like this,is right?It can't read the param from collector,can u tell me what should I do. There is my strategies.json file.

  "service_strategies": [
      "service": "ContextMakeHappyEnding",
      "type": "probabilistic",
      "param": 1,
      "operation_strategies": [
          "operation": "transporter",
          "type": "probabilistic",
          "param": 0.2
          "operation": "op2",
          "type": "probabilistic",
          "param": 0.4
      "service": "ContextUnpackKafkaItem",
      "type": "probabilistic",
      "param": 1
  "default_strategy": [
    "type": "probabilistic",
    "param": 1
      "service": "ContextUnpackKafkaItem",
      "type": "probabilistic",
      "param": 1