jaegertracing / helm-charts

Helm Charts for Jaeger backend
Apache License 2.0
258 stars 340 forks source link

[Bug]: all-in-one helm install only support memory storage? #485

Open njfanxun opened 1 year ago

njfanxun commented 1 year ago

What happened?

in the helm-charts jaeger templates allinone-deplaoy.yaml

        - env:
          {{- if .Values.allInOne.extraEnv }}
            {{- toYaml .Values.allInOne.extraEnv | nindent 12 }}
          {{- end }}
            - name: SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE
              value: memory
            - name: COLLECTOR_ZIPKIN_HOST_PORT
              value: :9411
            - name: JAEGER_DISABLED
              value: "false"
            - name: COLLECTOR_OTLP_ENABLED
              value: "true"
            {{- if .Values.allInOne.samplingConfig }}
            - name: SAMPLING_STRATEGIES_FILE
              value: /etc/conf/strategies.json
            {{- end }}
        {{- with .Values.allInOne.envFrom }}
          envFrom: {{- toYaml . | nindent 12 }}
        {{- end }}

so,custom env from extraEnv will be covered. how to set SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE = cassandra? It will always be on top of the environment variable "memory".

Steps to reproduce

set helm values.yaml

Expected behavior

helm install all-in-one

Relevant log output

No response


No response

Additional context

No response

Jaeger backend version

No response


No response


No response

Stogage backend

No response

Operating system

No response

Deployment model

No response

Deployment configs

No response