Closed Space-Banana-42 closed 4 years ago
I am using jaeger 1.18, with sampling strategy:
kind: Jaeger metadata: name: jaeger spec: strategy: production sampling: options: default_strategy: type: probabilistic param: 0.1 storage: type: elasticsearch options: es: server-urls: http://elasticsearch-master.openfaas:9200
And using zipkin tracer in ambassador:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: zipkin annotations: | --- apiVersion: ambassador/v1 kind: TracingService name: tracing service: zipkin:9411 driver: zipkin labels: app: jaeger jaeger zipkin spec: ports: - name: jaeger-collector-zipkin port: 9411 protocol: TCP targetPort: 9411 selector: jaeger collector type: ClusterIP
But sampling strategy just doesn't work, jaeger still keeps all the traces. Any idea on how to fix that? Thanks a lot!
@Space-Banana-42 The sampling configuration within the Jaeger operator's CR is only understood by the Jaeger tracers, not Zipkin tracers.
I am using jaeger 1.18, with sampling strategy:
And using zipkin tracer in ambassador:
But sampling strategy just doesn't work, jaeger still keeps all the traces. Any idea on how to fix that? Thanks a lot!