Open waynelxb opened 4 months ago
Can you try after creating the following environment variables?
Yes! I have created Environment Variables, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. However, I don't know how to use them in the following pyflink code which is to read data from the source csv file in S3 bucket (specified in the source_file_path below) and also don't know how to use the flink-s3-fs-hadoop-1.17.1.jar is in the folder "/opt/flink/plugins/s3-fs-hadoop".
from pyflink.table import EnvironmentSettings, TableEnvironment
env_settings = EnvironmentSettings.in_streaming_mode()
table_env = TableEnvironment.create(env_settings)
def create_source_table(table_name: str, file_path: str):
stmt = f"""
CREATE TABLE {table_name} (
vendor_id INT,
pickup_datetime VARCHAR,
dropoff_datetime VARCHAR,
passenger_count INT,
pickup_longitude VARCHAR,
pickup_latitude VARCHAR,
dropoff_longitude VARCHAR,
dropoff_latitude VARCHAR,
store_and_fwd_flag VARCHAR,
gc_distance DOUBLE,
trip_duration INT,
google_distance VARCHAR,
google_duration VARCHAR
) WITH (
'connector'= 'filesystem',
'format' = 'csv',
'path' = '{file_path}'
return stmt
def main():
source_table_name = "taxi_trip_source"
source_file_path = "s3://lxb-s3-bucket/lxb-taxi-data/"
table_env.execute_sql(create_source_table(source_table_name, source_file_path))
table_env.sql_query(f'SELECT * FROM {source_table_name} LIMIT 10').execute().print()
if __name__ == "__main__":
` The above code returns the following error message
The error indicates it's an s3 plugin issue. Can you check this doc?
The error indicates it's an s3 plugin issue. Can you check this doc?
I think I might figure it out. The link mentioned in your early reply says copy /opt/flink/opt/flink-s3-fs-hadoop-1.17.1.jar to /opt/flink/plugins/s3-fs-hadoop, then restart flink. However, it doesn't work. After some research, I find if the jar is copied to flink/lib, then restart flink, the above code in my second post will work.
root@26183775b6ad:/# :cp /opt/flink/opt/flink-s3-fs-hadoop-1.17.1.jar /opt/flink/lib
Now it works! (Environment Variables, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY have been created and set like the above snapshot in the second post. No need to update /opt/flink/conf/flink-conf.yaml. )
But I do not know why adding the jar in a subfolder in "flink/plugins", as described in the flink link page, does not work.
Thank you so much!!!
Can you check the using filesystem plugins section of this doc?
Can I try it in such way? However, the container cannot start with this line in yml.
At least, that is what the doc indicates. I haven't tried myself.
Totally understand! What I am confused with is why putting the jar in plugins//s3-fs-hadoop doesn't work for me. Based on the documentation the jar has to be put in plugins//s3-fs-hadoop.
I also tried to have the same jar in lib and plugins//s3-fs-hadoop, it would not work.
Hi Jaehyeon, This is just a question about my practice, not a question about your solution. I am not sure whether is proper to ask here. I tried to followed your solution of Lab 2. To make it simple, I just want to have the pyflink read the source file in the local docker container folder, and read the source file in S3 bucket. Now the pyflink can read the source file in local docker container folder with the simplied pyflink code.
But I haven't figured out how to let it read the source file in S3 bucket. I didn't successfully create the same environment with the terraform code your provide. I just simply create a S3 bucket and uploaded the source file, taxi-trips.csv. With aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, I can read the source file in S3 bucket as below.
In docker container, flink-s3-fs-hadoop-1.17.1.jar is in the folder "/opt/flink/plugins/s3-fs-hadoop"
I didn't create IAM user/role for my test, can I let pyflink read/select data in the source file in S3 bucket with aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key? How can I do it?
Thank you so much!