jafeha / parabird

Simple script written in python to build an os independent truecrypt encrypted usb-stick containing a portable thunderbird, enigmail, torbirdy and vidalia.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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GPG Mac Locking #51

Closed jojoo- closed 11 years ago

jojoo- commented 11 years ago

GPG for Mac does not work:

Fehler - Verschlüsselung fehlgeschlagen
/Volumes/NO NAME/apps/mac/gpg4mac/MacGPG2/bin/gpg2 --charset utf-8 --display-charset utf-8 --no-emit-version --no-comments --throw-keyids --display-charset utf-8 --keyserver-options http-proxy= --batch --no-tty --status-fd 2 --with-fingerprint --fixed-list-mode --with-colons --list-keys
gpg: WARNUNG: Unsichere Zugriffsrechte des Home-Verzeichnis `/Volumes/NO NAME/data/gpg/'
gpg: lock not made: link() failed: Operation not supported
gpg: can't lock `/Volumes/NO NAME/data/gpg//pubring.gpg'
gpg: DBG: Oops, `/Volumes/NO NAME/data/gpg//pubring.gpg.lock' is not locked
gpg: Schlüsselblockhilfsmittel`/Volumes/NO NAME/data/gpg//pubring.gpg': General error
gpg: lock not made: link() failed: Operation not supported
gpg: Fatal: can't acquire lock - giving up

The problem seems to be, that it can't lock because of fat not supporting links. As suggested in http://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-devel/2009-January/024747.html i added --lock-never to the list of gpg options and it worked BUT we need to do that automatically.

jafeha commented 11 years ago

i suppose we should put this into a gpg.conf in $GNUPGHOME. We should think about what other options we want to give here: GPG Configuration Options

jojoo- commented 11 years ago

ups, forgot to write: putting the lock-never option in data/gpg worked. do we only need this for mac or do we use this globally?

jafeha commented 11 years ago

setting this in data/gpg/gpg.conf will set it globally for all platforms because we need to share the keys. we could specify this with the starter as we do it for the gpg path, but i'd prefer not write into all cfgs before starting the app.

jojoo- commented 11 years ago

and windows & linux will have to delete this item. sucks :/

maybe there is another way?

jafeha commented 11 years ago

y shouldn't we use lock-never on all platforms?

jojoo- commented 11 years ago

i think i misundersood you. i think using lock-nerver should be safe in our usecase, and we can use it on all platforms

jafeha commented 11 years ago

This should be fixed with d07d6a224ce4661cf6281012c984ab38011aebd1 and 4012a03eb4e1a26c8c930bcdef7f7a2800fdd3a7 but needs some testing to confirm that using lock-never actually works stable under all operating systems and really fixes this problem. mbe i'll be able to test this in the next couple of days, but @jojoo- if you could please also take a look at this.