jafioti / luminal

Deep learning at the speed of light.
Apache License 2.0
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Cost model #38

Open nightscape opened 4 months ago

nightscape commented 4 months ago

Hi @jafoti, nice project! I did something somewhat similar a few years ago in Scala. I skimmed a little bit through the project, so I only have a superficial understanding. What I'm wondering is if there is or should be a cost model that guides the optimizations? From what I see the optimizations are more heuristic based, i.e. if they can be applied, they are. There might be occasions though, where it makes a difference in which order optimizations are applied, and sometimes it could be even be beneficial to take a longer route with worse intermediate states. Not sure how realistic this is, but one could imagine a case where (A + B) * C could benefit from being expanded into A*C + B*C because A*C and B*C can be reused in another step of the computation. That was at least the case for me sometimes in my Scala project.

I imagine that by having an explicit cost model, one could apply search algorithms (A*, Genetic Algorithms, Simulated Annealing, ...) to the problem and cover a much wider range of possible solutions than by using heuristics.

jafioti commented 4 months ago

Hi Martin,

Yes cost models can certainly make more optimal plans than just heuristics. Long term I'd like to have an RL model take in a hardware representation and predict the op graph. I've found that cost models add a ton of complexity though and clever heuristics can get you 90% of the way there, so for now I don't think cost models are worth working on

jafioti commented 4 months ago

Actually I'll leave this issue open for discussion since we'll eventually implement a cost model. Feel free to post thoughts and ideas here