Open TassieDevyl opened 1 month ago
Marked as solved, after some searching for possible solutions.
The key here was error number 4, the lack of an rcc.exe Linux equivalent in the tools folder.
The necessary binary, in this case rcc was already installed on my system, included in packages qtbase5-dev-tools.
Once I found out this it was a simple matter of changing the entry in script where rcc was being called and updating the path.
Thought I'd leave the original query intact, and posting the solution separately in case someone else ran into the same complication on Linux.
Hi folks, I've been attempting to customise the colours in the QDarkStyleSheet theme, to colours from the Nord Theme palette. I'm using Siduction (Debian Sid), Python 3.12.7
python3 ./ -style QDarkStyleSheet
I get the following errors
File .....qBittorrent/Themes/qbt-theme/Builds/./", line 80, in <module> if not
File "/usr/lib/python3.12/", line 1026, in __init__ self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
File "/usr/lib/python3.12/", line 1955, in _execute_child raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
Errors 1. through 3. I don't understand as I'm not a experienced python user. Perhaps there are python packages I need to install?
Error 4. I do understand, in the tools directory there is one file, a Windows executable rcc.exe There is no Linux equivalent present in the tools directory.
I chose this method as the Wiki entry "Create Custom Themes" references the script is "for the easy creation of .qbttheme files."
Where to go from here? As I've discovered using the script is not so straight forward, and there are no 'troubleshooting tips' if the script fails to complete.