jagenjo / webglstudio.js

A full open source 3D graphics editor in the browser, with scene editor, coding pad, graph editor, virtual file system, and many features more.
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Issue while trying to load resources #43

Open kalwalt opened 4 years ago

kalwalt commented 4 years ago

Hi @jagenjo and all here! I have found this issue: i'm trying to load a resource, for an example, an .obj file in the scene. i select Import File from the Resources Tab -> Import from Harddrive -> ... then a window appears and you can select the file. But when you select the file, nothing happens, file is not uploaded in the scene. The only way that i was able to upload a file was dragging it inside the window, after this my file was within the scene. I am asking this because me and @ThorstenBux are working on arStudio an editor for Augmented Reality based on webglstudio. We are integrating our format for loading .patt Artoollkit file but we found this issue. We would like to solve this because i think it will make easier to load the resources.

EDIT: this happens in webglstudio.org/demo !!

coderofsalvation commented 4 years ago

kawalt: thanks for reporting this. Did you see any error in the javascritp console? (F12)

kalwalt commented 4 years ago

@coderofsalvation Now i don't remember i need to look again into it, I will report back my result. Thanks for the answer!

kalwalt commented 4 years ago

@coderofsalvation i can confirm the issue and no messages in the javascript console.

KnightCoder commented 4 years ago

@kalwalt I see that you've mentioned that "The only way that i was able to upload a file was dragging it inside the window, after this my file was within the scene.". I tried drag-dropping the files onto the main scene window, side panel, import window, drive window and even on LiteFileServer. But nothing worked, I was not able to import any file on to the scene.

When I try to import a ".glb" file into LiteFileServer, it shows an error message "File error: Extension not allowed: RobotExpressive.glb". When I try to import a ".glb" file into WebGLStudio (as mentioned above), it shows a message "No data found in resource".

Can you explain how you are able to do it? So that at least I try to see if I can import the models into the scene somehow or not.

kalwalt commented 4 years ago

@KnightCoder I didn't tried with .glb or other 3d model files, we are developing an editor for AR https://github.com/augmentmy-world/arStudio and we need to import the markers. I will take a screenshot if i have time, maybe is better.

jagenjo commented 4 years ago

there is no support for glb files in WebGLStudio

KnightCoder commented 4 years ago

I also tried with .obj, .gltf and .fbx file as well. But none got imported.

ONLY .obj file got inserted into the scene however, it didn't get imported into the fileserver. I had read from the documentation that

You can also drag a mesh to the scene view to insert it, currently WebGLStudio supports OBJ or DAE.

@jagenjo what are the file formats that are supported for import by WebGLStudio? Can we import external 3D models?