jagregory / cognito-local

Local emulator for Amazon Cognito
MIT License
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Adding a Load Balancer Endpoint like AWS's 'public-keys.auth.elb.' #365

Open Maxyme opened 1 year ago

Maxyme commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible (or is there already?) to add an endpoint that replicates this functionality?


Basically, in the ALB (Application Load Balancer) flow, a user gets a public key from the public-keys.auth.elb endpoint using the id_token's key_id [kid]:

url = 'https://public-keys.auth.elb.' + region + '.amazonaws.com/' + kid
req = requests.get(url)
pub_key = req.text

In a normal flow with JWKS, using the JWKS endpoint works well (ie. http://localhost:9229/userpool/.well-known/jwks.json) but it would be nice to have the public key from an endpoint on cognito-local to match AWS's flow with ALBs.

It should be straightforward enough, like using pem = jwkToPem(jwk); and returning the pem from a given endpoint.