jagregory / cognito-local

Local emulator for Amazon Cognito
MIT License
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feat(signUp_verification_status): Sign up email/phone verification status fix #386

Open paullallier opened 9 months ago

paullallier commented 9 months ago

When a user has an unverified email address or phone number allocated at signUp, real Cognito returns user attributes for email_verified = false and phone_number_verifed = false when doing a getUserByUsername. When they don't have an email - the email_verified is not set either. Similar for no phone number. Cognito-local only returns the verification status once it's true.

I've partially implemented that, since I needed it. It only works for users signed up with the email address as the primary identifier (I don't think cognito-local supports phone number only signups anyway?).

It's a bit hacky - I struggled to understand how the signup without pre-signup lambda was supposed to work - so it might need a bit of tidying up. But i works for me now.