jagrosh / MusicBot

🎶 A Discord music bot that's easy to set up and run yourself!
Apache License 2.0
5.4k stars 2.58k forks source link

[Bug Report] Set avatar with an url that doesn't contain an image #1274

Open perqss opened 1 year ago

perqss commented 1 year ago

Bug Description

Executing setavatar command with URL https://www.rmfon.pl/play,5#p displays image.

Steps to Reproduce

!setavatar https://www.rmfon.pl/play,5#p

Expected Result

The bot to display a warning message: Invalid or missing URL

Debug Output

System Properties:
  java.version =
  java.vm.name = OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
  java.vm.specification.version = 17
  java.runtime.name = OpenJDK Runtime Environment
  java.runtime.version =
  java.specification.version = 17
  os.arch = amd64
  os.name = Windows 10

JMusicBot Information:
  Version = 0.3.8
  Owner = 689431450508066911
  Prefix = !
  AltPrefix = null
  MaxSeconds = 0
  NPImages = false
  SongInStatus = false
  StayInChannel = false
  UseEval = false
  UpdateAlerts = true

Dependency Information:
  JDA Version = 4.4.0_352
  JDA-Utilities Version = 3.0.5
  Lavaplayer Version = 1.3.78

Runtime Information:
  Total Memory = 37
  Used Memory = 14

Discord Information:
  ID = 1029868760045207602
  Guilds = 2
  Users = 4

Additional Info

No response


jagrosh commented 1 year ago

While I agree that a proper error message would be nice, this command is fairly outdated. It existed originally because changing the bot's avatar via the developer portal was not possible. The developer portal is now the preferred method for changing things like changing the avatar or username of the bot, so anything related to these commands is a low priority.