jagrosh / MusicBot

🎶 A Discord music bot that's easy to set up and run yourself!
Apache License 2.0
4.86k stars 2.42k forks source link

[Feature Request] Guilds Tab in GUI #1496

Open jagrosh opened 3 months ago

jagrosh commented 3 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

GUI users or non-eval-command users sometimes run into issues knowing what servers their bot is in, and keeping track of which servers are currently using it.

What is your ideal solution to the problem?

A GUI tab for guilds, titled Servers that contains information about the servers using the bot, their current music-related info, and some helpful buttons.

How would this feature be used?

  1. In the GUI, switch to the Servers tab
  2. View a list of servers. Each server item will contain:
    • Server Name
    • Server Owner
    • Approx. Member Count
    • Now-Playing Song
    • Number of Songs in the Queue
  3. Each item will also contain buttons:
    • Copy Server ID
    • Stop Music
    • Leave Server

Additional Info

No response


shawny43 commented 2 months ago

I have a similar idea but maybe if the dev could migrate his java app into an executable like electronjs with flutter or similar we can achieve a better interface with a ton of features such integrated settings, guild management, player buttons and such more. I made something in Inkscape to showoff what's it's could be the app if we got a graphical interface. image

shawny43 commented 2 months ago

It's may better if we may rather choose YTMusic instead of YouTube basically for some reasons to get some real music instead of clip videos.