jagrosh / Selfbot

A simple Discord selfbot that is fast and easy to set up and use
Apache License 2.0
100 stars 56 forks source link

JDASocket Fatal Error: Received a channel that isn't text or voice #59

Closed WTMike24 closed 6 years ago

WTMike24 commented 6 years ago

I'm not really sure what I need to include here. I downloaded the latest version of the JAR, ran the run.command, and ended up with this error. I've had this working before, so something must have changed, but I have no idea what.


Shengaero commented 6 years ago

This is due to the addition of channel categories. It will be fixed next version.

WTMike24 commented 6 years ago

Do you have an ETA? I'm not trying to be pushy, just curious. Thanks for making such a great bot!

Shengaero commented 6 years ago

I didn't make it, @jagrosh did. And no, there is no ETA, just be patient

WTMike24 commented 6 years ago

Oh, sorry. I didn't see who replied, just that someone did. Thanks for letting me know!

jagrosh commented 6 years ago

When you run the about command, what version is displayed?

WTMike24 commented 6 years ago

Where do I run the command?

jagrosh commented 6 years ago

on any server with your copy of the bot

WTMike24 commented 6 years ago

The bot won't respond to me at all

jagrosh commented 6 years ago

Then the issue isn't channel categories. What is the name of the jar you are running?

WTMike24 commented 6 years ago


jagrosh commented 6 years ago

uh, none of the releases are called that

jagrosh commented 6 years ago

They should be in the form JMusicBot-X.Y.Z.jar

WTMike24 commented 6 years ago

But that's what's on the releases page, I swear that's it

WTMike24 commented 6 years ago


jagrosh commented 6 years ago

Nevermind, I am incorrect, I thought this was my music bot repo

Shengaero commented 6 years ago

jag please

WTMike24 commented 6 years ago

Haha, all good, any idea on what I need to do to help you with this?

jagrosh commented 6 years ago

Nothing, just wait for the next release. Those warnings you see shouldn't actually affect the function of the bot though.

WTMike24 commented 6 years ago

Well it doesn't respond to me at all, so I'll just hope everything goes well in development

Shengaero commented 6 years ago

have you tried being patient and letting the bot start up? if you're on a lot of servers it can take a while to start

WTMike24 commented 6 years ago

See, now I feel really stupid. I swear it wasn't working, I gave it a good few minutes after it said Type self.help in Discord to get started! but it wasn't responding. Now it is, and I have no idea what happened. Sorry for bothering you guys with this, great work on the bot!

rooot@vps:~$ sudo systemctl status selfbot
[sudo] password for rooot:
● selfbot.service - Discord-selfbot
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/selfbot.service; enabled; vendor preset:
   Active: active (running) since Sat 2017-09-09 06:02:01 EDT; 3 days ago
 Main PID: 1617 (run.command)
    Tasks: 15
   Memory: 571.0M
      CPU: 33min 40.693s
   CGroup: /system.slice/selfbot.service
           ├─1617 /bin/bash /home/rooot/selfbot/run.command
           └─1631 java -jar JSelfBot.jar

Sep 09 06:02:43 vps.dismyserver.net run.command[1617]:         at com.neovisiona
Sep 09 06:02:43 vps.dismyserver.net run.command[1617]:         at com.neovisiona
Sep 09 06:02:43 vps.dismyserver.net run.command[1617]:         at com.neovisiona
Sep 09 06:02:43 vps.dismyserver.net run.command[1617]:         at com.neovisiona
Sep 09 06:02:43 vps.dismyserver.net run.command[1617]:         at com.neovisiona
Sep 09 06:02:43 vps.dismyserver.net run.command[1617]:         at com.neovisiona
Sep 09 07:43:57 vps.dismyserver.net run.command[1617]: Exception: java.lang.OutO
Sep 09 08:11:52 vps.dismyserver.net run.command[1617]: Exception in thread "Thre
Sep 09 08:11:52 vps.dismyserver.net run.command[1617]: Exception: java.lang.OutO
Sep 09 08:12:03 vps.dismyserver.net run.command[1617]: Exception in thread "JDA