Open Masterofthiefs opened 6 years ago
For autohotkey. isEnabled = 1
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. Process, Priority,,H If not A_IsAdmin { Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" ExitApp Sleep, 3000 }
v:: ControlClick,Button2,clumsy 0.3,,,, ControlGet, gt, Enabled ,, Button2, clumsy 0.3 if (gt=1) { Soundbeep,1000,200 } else { Soundbeep,500,200 }
For autoit3.
Func Clumsy() ControlClick("clumsy 0.3","","Button2") if ControlCommand("clumsy 0.3","","Button2","isEnabled") = 1 then Beep(500,100) Else Beep(100,100) EndIf EndFunc
While(1) Wend
Late but!. Recently discovered my inner power i could write sh*t like this in 1 day I recommend to use the autoit script as i see autohotkey as an inferior language btw the hotkey is alt+v edit: nvm in some aspects autohotkey is superior edit2: got back into uh editing and somehow i got better by doing absolutely nothing the only reason i used autoit was becuz it was faster searching pixels lul edit3: ah yes ignore the autoit3 one it is obsolete now unless the program doenst allow autohotkey also i dont know how to use comas
@Lasloow is the code still functional? I had some problems running it if you could help
For those looking for hotkeys I posted a version of Clumsy with hotkeys built in: [here](
Can someone please make a hotkey for the start/stop button, I have tried Autohotkey but with my extremely limited knowledge of coding in any sense or form. I can't figure it out myself thanks in advance if this is possible and if not sorry for the bother.