jaheyns / CfdOF

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for FreeCAD based on OpenFOAM solver
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
449 stars 85 forks source link

Need help installing dependencies #61

Closed TheFGFSEagle closed 2 years ago

TheFGFSEagle commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone, I'm trying to install CfdOF in my FreeCAD Addon manager, but it always says that it cannot find the dependencies. I have downloaded the OpenFOAM .deb files from their website and unpacked them into $HOME, so I have $HOME/usr/lib/openfoam/openfoam2112/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt and $HOME/usr/lib/openfoam/openfoam2112/platforms/tools. Also I installed ParaView, also into $HOME so have a big bunch of libraries in `$HOME/usr/lib" and the binaries:

~$ ls usr/bin/
hydra_pmi_proxy  ospray_mpi_worker  paraview.conf  pvbatch       pvdataserver       pvpython       pvrenderserver       pvserver       qt.conf
mpiexec          paraview           paraview-real  pvbatch-real  pvdataserver-real  pvpython-real  pvrenderserver-real  pvserver-real  vrpn_server

I have the FreeCAD AppImage in $HOME, too, and I did no modifications to any of my environment variables. So, what else could be the problem ?

oliveroxtoby commented 2 years ago

That seems like an unusual installation location - is OpenFOAM working correctly from there? Are you setting the OpenFOAM install directory to $HOME/usr/lib/openfoam/openfoam2112?

Please provide all exact output - see https://forum.freecadweb.org/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=33492. You may be able to get some assistance on the forum.

TheFGFSEagle commented 2 years ago

That seems like an unusual installation location - is OpenFOAM working correctly from there?

How can I verify this ?

Are you setting the OpenFOAM install directory to $HOME/usr/lib/openfoam/openfoam2112?

Do you mean in Edit -> Preferences -> CFD ? If so, then no, because I don't have that item, which is logic because the addon doesn't install at all in the first place.

TheFGFSEagle commented 2 years ago

This the output I get when I try to install CfdOF in the Addon manager:

Some errors were found that prevent to install this workbench: Some errors were found that prevent to install this workbench. Please install the missing components first.

There are no log messages neither in the terminal (from which I'm running FreeCAD) nor in the output panel inside FreeCAD.

luzpaz commented 2 years ago

Please ask on the forum as oliveroxtoby asked. Remember to always add your full About info.

oliveroxtoby commented 2 years ago

That seems like an unusual installation location - is OpenFOAM working correctly from there?

How can I verify this ?

Please consult www.openfoam.com

Do you mean in Edit -> Preferences -> CFD ? If so, then no, because I don't have that item, which is logic because the addon doesn't install at all in the first place.

OK, that wasn't clear - thought you meant the dependency check in the preferences window was failing.

oliveroxtoby commented 2 years ago

This the output I get when I try to install CfdOF in the Addon manager:

Some errors were found that prevent to install this workbench: Some errors were found that prevent to install this workbench. Please install the missing components first.

My guess would be an issue with matplotlib in your python installation. If you are using version 0.19, maybe try 0.20 as the addon manager has been revamped and will probably give you more complete information.

TheFGFSEagle commented 2 years ago

@oliveroxtoby okay, I'll try that - I actually DO have 0.19.

TheFGFSEagle commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the tip - I was actually able to install CfdOF without any errors with the 0.20 version !