jahnf / Projecteur

Linux Desktop Application for the Logitech Spotlight device (and similar devices) - Digital Laser Pointer
MIT License
374 stars 33 forks source link

New tag? #203

Closed drupol closed 11 months ago

drupol commented 11 months ago


It's been 2 years since the last release, and commits were made on the branch.

Do you think you could create an intermediary tag before 1.0.0 ?


jahnf commented 11 months ago

hi, yes I kind of abandoned the project for quite a while (one reason are the issues with Qt and Wayland and how this project uses features of Qt with X11 that don't work with Wayland anymore/not yet)

I am however totally fine with releasing a 0.10.0

drupol commented 11 months ago

So sad to hear you abandoned the project... it's totally useful and there's no other software doing that !

I'm glad that a new release will be soon out, I will provide the update for NixOS.

If you plan to come back to this project, please implement a highlighter pencil that would be disappearing after a couple of seconds, it would be so useful!

maehne commented 11 months ago

I totally agree with @drupol on the unique usefulness of projecteur. It works very well when giving presentations on Linux as long one uses X11. It's the last application preventing me and some colleagues to fully switch to Wayland. Unfortunately, QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb projecteur (suggested in issue #170) doesn't make it work well enough on Wayland -- at least not on a KDE Plasma desktop and using OpenBoard for presenting. It would be great if someone could fix these issues to keep this great tool relevant! Unfortunately, I can only offer testing possible fixes, as I don't have enough experience with Qt application development.

jahnf commented 11 months ago

I will plan a release (0.10.0) with all the current changes and fixes on develop - rough guess within in a month. (Making projecteur completely work with wayland is out of scope currently) In addition the some of the feature requests I like might get into this release.