jahnf / Projecteur

Linux Desktop Application for the Logitech Spotlight device (and similar devices) - Digital Laser Pointer
MIT License
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Black rectangle instead of spotlight #22

Closed ralessi closed 5 years ago

ralessi commented 5 years ago

I just built and installed the latest Projecteur (0.6 alpha2), but instead of the expected spotlight, hitting the lens button gets me a black rectangle stuck at the top left corner of the screen as shown in the attached screenshot. I use awesome-wm; under windowmaker, I get the same result, while mate just renders nothing.

Any advice would be much appreciated. Many thanks for providing this!


jahnf commented 5 years ago

Hi @ralessi, to narrow down what the issue might be: What Linux distribution/version are you running? Also it would be helpful if you could give me feedback on if you build v0.4 and check if that version is working for you.

Besides that: Are OpenGL programs run on your machine? (QtQuick utilizes OpenGL) - How are Windows of other programs behave that have transparency (e.g. transparent console window) I don't know awesome-wm but I found this regarding awesome-wm and transparent windows which might be related: https://github.com/awesomeWM/awesome/issues/2473#issuecomment-437302625

ralessi commented 5 years ago

I run Hyperbola (https://www.hyperbola.info/) which is based on Arch.

Unfortunately, v0.4 does not build on my system. make fails on errors such as:

/home/robert/projecteur/projecteurapp.cc:124:15: error: 'class QWindow' has no member named 'setFlag'; did you mean 'setFlags'?
       window->setFlag(Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint, true);

I will do a bisect and report back on the first version that compiles.

As for OpenGL, I have mesa of course, and I can say that transparency works fine with the Guake terminal.

Regarding awesome, I will check the pointer. But as said, Projecteur doesn't work on my system under mate wm.

ralessi commented 5 years ago

[e109f4b] compiles, while [de02c70] doesn't. And [de02c70] gives me the black rectangle stuck on the top left corner of the screen.

jahnf commented 5 years ago

Thanks. Could you please try to build the latest develop with replacing qml/main.qml for the main.qml from v0.4 (https://github.com/jahnf/Projecteur/blob/v0.4/qml/main.qml) - I have a hunch that it might be related to the changes within that qml file - at least for some systems.

Also are you getting any error/warning messages on the console output when running?

ralessi commented 5 years ago

Same black rectangle with main.qml from v0.4, but with a notable difference: when I move the pointer over the rectangle, the pointer goes under the rectangle and so gets hidden. With the latest main.qml, it is the other way round: the pointer remains visible above the rectangle.

Running ./projecteur is perfectly clean: no errors at all...

ralessi commented 5 years ago

Good news: I managed to make Projecteur work with Mate. I would like to run some further tests tomorrow, but I will report back very shortly. Meanwhile, many thanks from a grateful user!

ralessi commented 5 years ago

To sum up, this was almost all about transparency. I installed compton, launched it with compton -b and Projecteur worked as expected with awsome. The only glitch—if I must say so—is that at least a second monitor must be connected. Otherwise, compton makes the black rectangle go but the only thing I get is the mouse pointer.

For Projecteur to work, compton being launched as a daemon, I have to select the second screen. Then, everything works fine: I am even able to select back the first screen which didn't work in the first place.

I still have to perform a test of Projecteur under real conditions in a room equipped with a video projector, but I think we can close this issue.

With many thanks again, I am very happy with Projecteur!