jahrik / ansible-awx

vagrant lab
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I believe you have an error between your .yml files and install instructions #1

Open clevelandcs opened 6 years ago

clevelandcs commented 6 years ago

Just went through the walkthrough and I think that when you say install docker-engine via apt-get you correctly use apt-get install docker-ce but in your .yml file for the install you're doing: - name: install docker-engine apt: name: docker-engine state: present update_cache: yes which I believe should be "name: docker-ce" as my first time through overwrote docker-ce with docker-engine which broke the install. When I reinstalled docker-ce and changed the playbook to "name: docker-ce" everything went fine. Great write-up other than that, thanks a ton!

jahrik commented 6 years ago

Thank you for bringing this to my attention! It looks like I'm using different repos from the manual commands to the ansible playbook. Because the manual commands come straight from the docker documentation, I'll update my playbook to work with that rather than the other way around. I'll be sure and update this when I get it fixed.

When I start a clean vagrant box and try and install name: docker-ce I get the following:

ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini -l ansible-awx install_docker.yml
TASK [install docker-ce] ******************************************************************************************************
fatal: [ansible-awx]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "No package matching 'docker-ce' is available"}

When I do the same with name: docker-engine it installs as expected:

TASK [install docker-engine] **************************************************************************************************
changed: [ansible-lab]