jahwag / ClaudeSync

ClaudeSync is a Python tool that automates the synchronization of local files with Claude.ai Projects
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Add Black to GitHub Actions Workflow #56

Closed crippledgeek closed 2 weeks ago

crippledgeek commented 3 weeks ago

Add Black to GitHub Actions Workflow

This PR adds the Black code formatter to our GitHub Actions workflow. Here are the key changes:

  1. Install Black: In the "Install dependencies" step, we've added black to the list of packages installed:

    python -m pip install flake8 pytest black
  2. New Black Formatting Step: We've added a new step to run Black after linting with flake8 and before running tests:

    - name: Format with Black
     run: |
       black --check --diff .

    This step runs Black in check mode (--check) and shows the diff of any formatting changes (--diff). The workflow will fail if there are any formatting issues, but it won't actually change the files.
