jai-imageio / jai-imageio-jpeg2000

JPEG2000 support for Java Advanced Imaging Image I/O Tools API
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Java 9 support #21

Closed rleigh-codelibre closed 4 years ago

rleigh-codelibre commented 7 years ago

This PR depends upon https://github.com/jai-imageio/jai-imageio-core/pull/41 and it must be built and installed before testing this PR. It will also require releasing and the dependency version bumping in order for Travis to go green.

This PR contains the fixes necessary to build and test with Java 9. With this PR, you can run:

MAVEN_OPTS="--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-modules java.activation" mvn install

(the MAVEN_OPTS is currently needed to run under Java 9, and should hopefully go away once it's updated as well.)

Jugen commented 6 years ago

If this PR gets updated / refreshed wouldn't that maybe solve the Travis fails ?

rleigh-codelibre commented 6 years ago

@Jugen Yes, it should do. It's depends upon jai-imageio having a public release so that there's a version containing the fix which we can fetch.

@stain is 1.4.0 expected to be deployed to maven central soon?

Jugen commented 6 years ago

@rleigh-codelibre jai-imageio 1.4.0 now has a public release on maven :-)

Jugen commented 6 years ago

@rleigh-codelibre Hi Roger could you please update this PR, thanks.

rleigh-codelibre commented 6 years ago

@Jugen I've pushed the updates. Could you possibly give it a try?

Jugen commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot Roger :-)

@stain Hi Stian can this be merged please, so that the other PR's that depend on this pass.

rleigh-codelibre commented 6 years ago

See also https://github.com/jai-imageio/jai-imageio-core/pull/53 for the latest maven updates also added here.

Jugen commented 6 years ago

@stain Can this be merged please ?