jaidetree / doom-icon

A proposed doom Emacs icon
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
87 stars 4 forks source link

3d version #6

Open vvzen opened 5 months ago

vvzen commented 5 months ago


I wanted to first thank you for this incredibly cute icon! I've been using it for a while and it has made my programming days a lot more enjoyable. :)

Second, I wanted to say that I took your challenge (in https://github.com/jaidetree/doom-icon?tab=readme-ov-file#try-3d-modeling-a-version) and I made a 3D version that is 3d-printer/slicer friendly!

It's on sketchfab: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/doom-cacodemon-923becaf8202497388c25dab0b3bd9e7 I could upload it here too if you want, as long as I'm credited. I can make a usda version so it's just a big ASCII text file.

Here are some screengrabs of quick renders coming from Blender: doom-emacs-cacodemon-v001


Thank you!


jaidetree commented 5 months ago

Wow! You did a great job! The lighting, the texturing, and sculpting look fantastic.

As far as where it lives, my plan a year ago was to archive this repo in favor of https://github.com/jaidetree/eccentric-icons given it now includes icons for kitty terminal and more apps overtime. It also includes a script for automatically downscaling images and creating image sets so it's easier to maintain.

Could you please render a transparent png?

That said, I would like to add this one here too just because it's so good then archive it and point to the new repo.

This is kinda embarrassing I did take a stab at a high-poly and low-poly version in Nomad sculpt but still have a lot to learn 😓

They're below for a laugh. Thanks for sharing this!

caco-lowpoly caco-highpoly

vvzen commented 5 months ago

Thank you! I'm glad you like it, your icon was the original inspiration so I tried to keep the final style as close as possible to yours.

Here you go, I've rendered a 1920x1920 transparent PNG here: https://valerioviperino.me/assets/img/articles/cacodemon/doom-emacs-cacodemon-v013.png , you'll find another image on my website too: https://valerioviperino.me/of-dooming-cacodemons/ (I couldn't upload it here directly since it was above 10MB).

For the 3d model itself, let me know if you want to host it here too, I could make a self-contained USDZ of the textures too, or just shared as USDA the 3d model only.

jaidetree commented 5 months ago

Sure I can add the source files if you'd like. I'm unfamiliar with 3d formats in general so whatever makes sense to you should be fine

vvzen commented 5 months ago

Sorry for the delay! I tried to set up LFS (since the .usda file comes at ~150 MB) :

$ du -sh *
648K    doom.icns
144K    doom.ico
208K    doom.png
272K    doom.svg
155M    doom.usda
3.8M    src

but it looks like GitHub doesn't actually support LFS on public forks. I got this when pushing:

$ git push origin feature/add-3d-cacodemon 
batch response: @vvzen can not upload new objects to public fork vvzen/doom-icon
error: failed to push some refs to 'github.com:vvzen/doom-icon.git'

and then realized the limitation after stumbling on https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs/issues/1906#issuecomment-276602035


jaidetree commented 5 months ago

I could be wrong, but I recall modern versions of git automatically optimizing the way it handles the file after a certain threshold. I'll have to look that up later as I may have hallucinated that