jaiminshah / PopularPhotosFeed

An app to view Instagram's popular photos
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[Android Bootcamp] Project 1(InstagramView) - Review my app #1

Open jaiminshah opened 10 years ago

jaiminshah commented 10 years ago

My App is complete, please review it.

I am having some trouble getting the location for the photos using the latitude and longitude provided in the photos. Geocoder is always returning 0 address for the lat/long. It worked for me for sometime and than suddenly stopped, not sure why. Maybe I changed something and messed it up or the service is not working properly. Will look into further to figure whats going on. Till than if you can have look and find something please let me know.

Will be adding relative dates and comments after this.

/cc @nesquena @thecodepath

nesquena commented 10 years ago

Will be adding relative dates and comments after this.

Will keep an eye out for this. We will be reviewing tomorrow.

I am having some trouble getting the location for the photos using the latitude and longitude provided in the photos. Geocoder is always returning 0 address for the lat/long.

Hmm, could be a rate limit or that you need to be retrieving the address async in the background (covered week 3). You may want to hold off on the location bit for now until you've finished everything else.

jaiminshah commented 10 years ago

Hi Nathan,

Updated the app to add the relative dates and comments.

Having an issue with comments. I added a listview for the comments, the problem is that only one comment is being shown even though there are 2 comments(or more). If I change the layout_height for the ListView from "wrap_content" to something like 200dp I can see the other comments. Do you know what I might be doing wrong?

Thanks, Jaimin /cc @nesquena @thecodepath

codepathreview commented 10 years ago

:+1: Excellent Jaimin work. A few notes after checking out the code:

One of the most important part of these projects is that you add additional features and tweak the UI / UX because that will provide many more learning opportunities. I would encourage you to complete the projects each week with required stories early and then spend time adding your own UI elements and experimenting with optional extensions that will improve the user experience.

We have provided a detailed Project 1 Feedback Guide here which covers the most common points we see for this project. Read through the feedback guide point-by-point to determine other ways you could improve your submission. You should consider going back and implementing applicable feedback as well. Keep in mind that one of the most important parts of Android development is learning the correct patterns and conventions.

Hopefully this first project has given you a better sense of working with RelativeLayout which is a very flexible layout system, probably one of the most powerful responsive-first layout systems available across web and mobile platforms. This assignment also gave us our first introduction to networking, working with APIs and loading remote images. The next assignment will introduce new concept such as accepting user input and navigating between activities but will also reinforce important concepts such as networking, using APIs, handling remote images.

If you have any particular questions about the assignment in general or on any of the feedback, feel free to reply here or or email us support@thecodepath.com.

P.S. Good to see you properly added the readme with features and screenshots to your project as described in the submitting assignments guide!

jaiminshah commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the detailed code review and the comments :).

Did you get a chance to look at the ListView issue? Its showing only one comment whereas the data has 2 comments.

Thanks, Jaimin /cc @nesquena @thecodepath @codepathreview

nesquena commented 10 years ago

@jaiminshah Hey, I looked into it and as I mentioned it's an anti-pattern to put a listview in a listview. Never do it, a bunch of weird stuff happens. Since I never do it, I couldn't remember the best approach. Looks like it's such a bad idea, the best way may be to calculate the height manually based on the heights of the items. Nonetheless, I would remove the nested listview. Here's how I recommend doing it as I explained. Just a blank container view and add the comments manually into it. Please confirm this helps.

jaiminshah commented 10 years ago

@nesquena Thanks for looking into this, Its working now!
I updated the code to not use the nested ListView and manually added comment view to it. Have a look at the InstagragmPhotoAdapter to see the updated code. I have tried using the ViewHolder pattern in this case too, but not sure if I executed it right.

nesquena commented 10 years ago

Nice! Glad you got it working!