jairogloz / go-l

A golang backend application to manage soccer tournaments/leagues.
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Get League full flow #44

Open jairogloz opened 2 weeks ago

jairogloz commented 2 weeks ago

This task consists of implementing the get League complete flow, on three layers:

Take the GetPlayer flow as reference. All your code MUST include function comments.

Feel free to ask any question before beginning.

david34corbalan commented 1 week ago

hola, cuales serian los campos de la struct que necesita Get League full flow??

jairogloz commented 1 week ago

@david34corbalan te refieres a los parámetros? Si es así, el handler solo necesita el id del league a consultar en la url:


luego se tendría que consultar la league de la base de datos y retornarla tal cual está la estructura en pkg/domain/league.go

Me dices si respondo tu pregunta 🤔