jairusrossi / local-food-systems

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standardize choropleth data? #11

Open rgdonohue opened 7 years ago

rgdonohue commented 7 years ago

It looks like you're mapping raw dollars there? Can we standardize those quantities (such as by the total GDP of a county)?

jairusrossi commented 7 years ago

I originally considered this, but raw totals tell more of the story here. For producers, the overall amount of direct-to-consumer sales is more indicative of where markets exist. If standardized, this would produce higher values in places that have little population and/or GDP - where perhaps one producer is selling to Lexington - so it would look like there is a lot of good local production going on, but in reality its just dominated by on producer. I tried standardizing by number of farmers, but these values were all quite close and didn't produce any meaningful story.