jajcayn / multi-scale

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job_results = map_func(_prepare_surrogates, job_data) #1

Open yuditsabet opened 4 years ago

yuditsabet commented 4 years ago

Hello, jajcayn I see that you have done a job similar to that of Martín Vejmelka. I am trying to adapt some of your scripts for my work with causal links but I encounter this error which I have not been able to solve for two days. I do not know if you had any similar error during the development of your work. sgf.prepare_surrogates(pool) File "/2020/Era5New/ndw-climate-master/scripts/surr_geo_field_ar.py", line 97, in prepare_surrogates job_results = map_func(_prepare_surrogates, job_data) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 253, in map return self.map_async(func, iterable, chunksize).get() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 572, in get raise self._value TypeError: tuple indices must be integers, not tuple

Creo que el error está asociado a estas líneas de código:

run the job in parallel

    job_data = [(i, j, self.order_range, self.crit, self.d[:, i, j]) for i in range(num_lats) for j in range(num_lons)]             
    job_results = map_func(_prepare_surrogates, job_data)


yuditsabet commented 4 years ago

The problem is here:

def estimate(self, time_series, prng, fit_intercept = False, crit_type = 'sbc', ndx = None): """Stepwise selection of the model using QR decomposition according to Neumaier and Schneider across model orders [prng[0], prng[1]]. The criterion 'crit' is the model order selection criterion. Optionally the (integer) index array indicates which parts of the time series are contiguous and which are not. Code is mostly a port from the MATLAB ARFIT toolbox by the same authors."""

    p_min, p_max = prng[0], prng[1]
    fi = 1 if fit_intercept else 0

    ts = time_series[:, np.newaxis] if time_series.ndim == 1 else time_series

    N, m = ts.shape
    ****print N,m** in my case N=156 and m=1**
    n_p = np.zeros(shape=(p_max+1,), dtype = np.int)
    n_p[p_max] = fi + p_max * m

    # remove "presample" data (p_max values from start) 
    N = N - p_max

    # construct matrix K (add row space for regularization matrix deltaD)
    K = np.zeros((N + n_p[p_max] + m, n_p[p_max] + m))

    # add intercept if required
        K[:N, 0] = 1.0

    # set predictors u
    for j in range(1, p_max + 1):
        K[:N, fi+(j-1)*m:fi+j*m] = ts[p_max-j:N+p_max-j, :]
        **print (ts[p_max-j:N+p_max-j, :])   all 0 that is a problem??**
jajcayn commented 4 years ago

Dear @yuditsabet ,

unfortunately, I do not work in this field anymore and furthermore, this code is unmaintained and 5 years old. I can give you only couple of pointers:

You can easily rewrite parts of SurrogateField class using statsmodels - I am pretty sure it will work.

Best, N.

yuditsabet commented 4 years ago

Thank you so much. I wrote Martin but does not reply to me. Sorry I am reviewing your propose Regards