jajodiaraghav / Snake

A simple game built using Python Pygame Library
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Add files via upload #13

Closed silversword05 closed 6 years ago

silversword05 commented 6 years ago

Added the blocks and changed the messages in the end and play screen. Please change the address path as required.

jajodiaraghav commented 6 years ago

The work looks great :) @AadiCool I think a choice should be provided to user whether they want the blocks to appear or they want to play the default one.

This can be done either putting this in separate world, or giving an option in settings page to change this behavior. What do you think?

silversword05 commented 6 years ago

With due respect, Sir this will make the game quite easy. So I would prefer not to be.

jajodiaraghav commented 6 years ago

It is difficult for me to set up paths every time. So I keep the images in the folder containing the py file.

I see what the problem is. Did you rebase the latest master changes on your local branch?

jajodiaraghav commented 6 years ago

I can see a lot of issues with this PR. This is due to lack of experience using git. I would request you to go through the list I sent in the gitter channel. You did not pull and rebase your local with upstream. Also, The commit message and issue message says "Add files via upload". Can you please explain?

I would be happy to merge this PR. But I cannot do so until you fix the issues. Otherwise it would break the entire app.