jajodiaraghav / Snake

A simple game built using Python Pygame Library
20 stars 26 forks source link

Create bonus food items #44

Open jajodiaraghav opened 6 years ago

jajodiaraghav commented 6 years ago

Bonus food items randomly appears between the game and provides bonus points if eaten by snake.

CaptainDaVinci commented 6 years ago

I would like to work on this.

CaptainDaVinci commented 6 years ago

I was thinking, maybe we could have "powerups" which have different effects (slow, fast, self-destruct, score multiplier, etc).

jajodiaraghav commented 6 years ago

@CaptainDaVinci You can open a new issue and we can implement that as well. Maybe something appearing less frequently that bonus food. What do you think?

CaptainDaVinci commented 6 years ago

Yes, we could have different frequency for different powerups, these would appear independent of the food and stay only for a limited time.