Reported by mats ahlgren on 27 May 2010 20:00 UTC
One might think this would lead to a massive usage of disk space. Whenever Jajuk closes (and only after it successfully saves collection.xml) it should look through the .jajuk folder to see which collections it can throw away. The following algorithm should work I think:
// Always keep the last 5 backups.
allBackupFiles = allBackupFiles.slice(all elements from left until index -5 from right)
let D = [of the 5th-latest backup](date)
for(DateRange range in {0-1day, 1day-1week, 1week-1month, 1month-1year, 1year-forever}) {
backupsInRange = new List;
for (backupFile in allBackupFiles)
if (( in range)
backupsInRange.remove(index=mostRecent); // don't delete most recent backup in range
backupsInRange.remove(index=leastRecent); // don't delete oldest backup in range: necessary else backups will never trickle to older ranges
for (backupFile in backups) // delete old backups
Collection files should be saved with names that include the version of Jajuk. e.g. collection-backup--2010-05-08--04:17--v1.9RC3.xml
Commented by bflorat on 27 May 2010 20:01 UTC
OK but limit should be against the max size option already available in jajuk instead of a fix number of backup files.
Reported by mats ahlgren on 27 May 2010 20:00 UTC One might think this would lead to a massive usage of disk space. Whenever Jajuk closes (and only after it successfully saves collection.xml) it should look through the .jajuk folder to see which collections it can throw away. The following algorithm should work I think:
Collection files should be saved with names that include the version of Jajuk. e.g. collection-backup--2010-05-08--04:17--v1.9RC3.xml