jakartaee / batch

The Jakarta Batch project produces the Batch Specification and API.
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Certification Request for jbatch v2.1.0-M2 + jakarta batch api v2.1.0 #197

Closed scottkurz closed 2 years ago

scottkurz commented 2 years ago
scottkurz commented 2 years ago

In response to the v2.1.1 service release of Jakarta Batch TCK we re-ran the newer v2.1.1 TCK against jbatch (against v2.1.1 of the jbatch impl itself).

In this new run, all TCK tests passed.

This provides evidence that the changes made from v2.1.0 to v2.1.1 in response to the TCK challenges described in the link above did not affect the validity of this original certification request (which had been made running the original v2.1.0 TCK against an earlier version of the jbatch impl).

We included some more detailed results here: https://github.com/WASdev/standards.jsr352.jbatch/wiki/jbatch-v2.1.1-tck-v2.1.1

scottkurz commented 2 months ago

In response to the v2.1.5 Jakarta Batch TCK update, we re-ran the newer v2.1.5 TCK against jbatch (against v2.1.1 of the jbatch impl itself).

In this new run, all TCK tests passed. Also the tests were run using Java 21 to exercise the new support for Java 21 in the v2.1.5 TCK.

This provides evidence that the changes made from v2.1.0 to v2.1.1 and v2.1.5 in response to TCK challenges did not affect the validity of this original certification request (which had been made running the original v2.1.0 TCK against an earlier version of the jbatch impl).

We included some more detailed results here: https://github.com/WASdev/standards.jsr352.jbatch/wiki/jbatch-v2.1.1-tck-v2.1.5