jakartaee / batch

The Jakarta Batch project produces the Batch Specification and API.
Apache License 2.0
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Jakarta Batch CDI integration language over-specifies behavior and wrongly describes implementation(Weld)-specific behavior #209

Closed scottkurz closed 3 months ago

scottkurz commented 4 months ago

See discussion: https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/batch-tck/pull/69

This paragraph in particular needs rework, and maybe the enclosing section? https://jakarta.ee/specifications/batch/2.1/jakarta-batch-spec-2.1#consequences-and-suggested-patterns

rzo1 commented 4 months ago

In this context, it might also be required to re-write

"The @BatchProperty annotation identifies an injection as a batch property. A batch property has a name (name) and, in case of a field injection, also has a default value. @BatchProperty is used to assign batch artifact property values from Job XML to the batch artifact itself. Note that @BatchProperty is used with the standard @Inject annotation (jakarta.inject.Inject) ..." [1]

This clearly states it: no BatchProperty without @Inject


A batch runtime must support injection of the CDI Bean representing the batch property via method parameter and constructor parameter injection, in addition to supporting field injection. [2]

Given these paragraphs, the valid options are: