jakartaee / batch

The Jakarta Batch project produces the Batch Specification and API.
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item-count text mentions "number of items processed" when EG had decided on "number of items read" #65

Open follis opened 4 years ago

follis commented 4 years ago

Originally opened as bug 6509 by ScottKurz

--------------Original Comment History---------------------------- Comment from = ScottKurz on 2014-11-09 21:21:51 +0000

The spec text, in describing "item-count" as "Specifies the number of items to process per chunk" is ambiguous.

(That's one example.. the "process" verb is used in a few places in the spec.)

Cheng helpfully raised this exact point in this thread: https://java.net/projects/jbatch/lists/public/archive/2013-04/message/88

In the thread it was decided that "item-count" was actually the number of items READ, not PROCESSED (which could be interpreted as not including filtered items).

Anyway, I'd like to update the spec in the next revision here.

I just got confused myself on this issue, and recently delivered a change (@1679181) to the RI which is excluding filtered items from being counted against the item-count checkpoint. (I'll reference this bug to fix this recent "fix").

Note: The link referenced above is bad, but had it archived.

Note from Cheng Fang 24 April 2013

pg 20 defines item-count as Specifies the number of items to process per chunk when using the item checkpoint policy. Just to confirm, this is the number of items that were attemped, whether it was skipped, filtered, or processed successfully?So for item-count 10, if 9 of them were skipped, we will still commit the buffered 1 output as a checkpoint?Thanks,Cheng