jakartaee / batch

The Jakarta Batch project produces the Batch Specification and API.
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Consider adding onError to Batchlet #88

Open follis opened 4 years ago

follis commented 4 years ago

Originally opened as bug 7350 by wkcat

--------------Original Comment History---------------------------- Comment from = wkcat on 2015-10-14 09:24:37 +0000

I think many jBatch artifact has "thorws Exception" signeture at many methods. That mean jBatch has some error handling mechanism in the product.

At chunk some listener work very well. But Batchlet has no error supporting Listener, even Batchlet#process method has "throws Exception" signeture on the method.

I think, jBatch should have a listener whitch support Batchlet error.

Comment from = ScottKurz on 2015-10-19 20:22:48 +0000

It perhaps should be called after a failure in open() as well.

See also Bug 6587.

Comment from = ScottKurz on 2016-04-22 18:11:39 +0000

Since Bug 6587 covers onError() on chunks, rewording this to just cover Batchlet.

(Note: Bug 6587 is now https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/batch-api/issues/69)