jakartaee / collateral

Jakarta EE collateral
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Design showing synergy between Jakarta EE and MicroProfile #1

Open BaptisteMeynier opened 4 years ago

BaptisteMeynier commented 4 years ago

Hello everybody, I'm currently creating my blog talking about standards Jakarta EE / MicroProfile / etc. I create a design in svg for my blog, I would like to know if I can submit it to Eclipse foundation. You can see it here If is it the case I have some questions to clean my work in order to be compliant with Eclipse foundation legal rules. 1) Global I'm looking for where I can download Jakarta EE and Microprofile fonts to replace the font that I used. 2) Section 2 I design myself a leaf, I did not realize but someone say me that It looks like Spring Logo. It could be confusing, is it a problem ? 3) Section 4 I get two elements from internet the plume and the container, should I redesign these elements ?. 4) Section 5 I put the Open source logo inside the word "YOU" I does not include the symbol copyright (r) 5) Section 5 same comment for brand IBM, Payara, Tomitribe, set copyright is it mandatory ? 6) Section 5 I put some companies which contribute to the project maybe I forget some companies, Should I put all companies contributing to the project? (It should be difficult to integrate all inside the design). 7) Section 6 Same question as before but about implementations. 6) Do you see any other issue ?

aeiras commented 4 years ago

Hola Baptiste,

This Community Repo was created 7 days ago and you have submitted its very 1st contribution, congratulations! 👍

Question, have you signed the ECA yet? All contributors must sign the Eclipse Contributor agreement.

BaptisteMeynier commented 4 years ago

I'm glad to be the first ^^ Yes, I created my account on www.eclipse.org and sign the ECA two months ago

aeiras commented 4 years ago

Thats wonderful Baptiste!

Now, I ask for your patience as this Repo needs to be introduced to the Jakarta EE Community so that everyone understand that they too have the power to shape the project branding by helping with submissions, etc!

Stay healthy and thank you for prioritizing your time contributing to both MP and Jkta! :)

cesarhernandezgt commented 4 years ago

Hi @BaptisteMeynier That SVG looks pretty good!

My replies are in line, I also wonder if you saw already https://jakarta.ee/legal/trademark_guidelines/ and https://www.eclipse.org/artwork/?

Global I'm looking for where I can download Jakarta EE and Microprofile fonts to replace the font that I used.

That's an interesting question. I opened a ticket, feel free to follow up, in the MicroProfile Marketing repository: https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-marketing/issues/319

Section 2 I design myself a leaf, I did not realize but someone say me that It looks like Spring Logo. It could be confusing, is it a problem?

Personally speaking, no, I don't see an issue on that leaf design.

Section 4 I get two elements from internet the plume and the container, should I redesign these elements ?.

My only non-blocker comment would be to move the needle at 6 o'clock instead of at 13 o'clock in the Fast gauge :). This is my head says "we are at top speed".

Section 5 I put the Open source logo inside the word "YOU" I does not include the symbol copyright (r) Section 5 same comment for brand IBM, Payara, Tomitribe, set copyright is it mandatory ?

I understand that yes, (r) symbol is required. This base on my observation on pdf's and image on website

Section 5 I put some companies which contribute to the project maybe I forget some companies, Should I put all companies contributing to the project? (It should be difficult to integrate all inside the design).

+1 (yes). Been inclusive is key in Open Source from my point of view.

Section 6 Same question as before but about implementations.

+1 (yes). Been inclusive is key in Open Source from my point of view.

Do you see any other issue ?

BaptisteMeynier commented 4 years ago

Section 4 I get two elements from internet the plume and the container, should I redesign these elements ?

I get an other feather coming from a free to use icons database. The container is also free to use.

My only non-blocker comment would be to move the needle at 6 o'clock instead of at 13 o'clock in the Fast gauge :). This is my head says "we are at top speed".

I change the gauge

I understand that yes, (r) symbol is required. This base on my observation on pdf's and image on website

I add (r) and Tn mention on logos where I forgot

+1 (yes). Been inclusive is key in Open Source from my point of view.

I update the list of contributing companies, all premium contributors were displayed (I added Fujitsu)

About Implementation I find a list of JakartaEE certified server (https://jakarta.ee/compatibility/) but I don't find the list for MicroProfile, do you know where I can find it ? I find https://wiki.eclipse.org/MicroProfile/Implementation but I think this list is not up to date for example I don't see TomEE.

keilw commented 4 years ago

@BaptisteMeynier Which one do you mean is not up to date, do you mean: https://jakarta.ee/compatibility/ missing TomEE, that's, because TomEE has not passed the compatibility test after a year Jakarta EE 8 exists now, and it ain't because Jakarta EE is not Open Source or the TCKs are not available any more now ;-) @aeiras Any idea when that's going to happen?

BaptisteMeynier commented 4 years ago

@keilw thx for your answer about JakartaEE. I would like to know also about the MicroProfile side.

About Jakarta EE font and logo usages I find all that I need on the marketing section on the right panel. Documentations are very relevant!

I update the last section with all valid implementations.

keilw commented 4 years ago

MicroProfile is struggeling with compatibility and just about to throw Metrics (one of the earliest specs) out mostly in favor of Micrometer, so any compatibility claim there is not so durable and sustainable I'm afraid. Same for a use by Jakarta EE. You'd probably see MP use Jakarta EE soon, just like all the other players including Spring, Micrometer, Dropwizard and many others.

cesarhernandezgt commented 4 years ago

Hi @BaptisteMeynier ,

Thank you for the follow-up. I saw the new changes in the image, it looks greate. About the MP font's, logo, and colors, the ticket eclipse/microprofile-marketing#319 was replied and point us to: https://microprofile.io/resources/branding/

In terms of your question "...but I don't find the list for MicroProfile..." that's a good catch, I couldn't find a link with a concrete answer to your question from microprofile.io. What I've used in the past to reference the implementations is the drop-down section from: https://start.microprofile.io/ .

Feel free to open a ticket on https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-marketing about this missing page since the context of the Why? are you looking for it can help the MP marketing community to better see the need of such a page or section.

BaptisteMeynier commented 4 years ago

Hi @cesarhernandezgt I create an issue as you suggest about MicroProfile compatibility list.

I changed font to an other free to use and add all implementations. Do you think that I can submit the design like this or I should change something else ?

cesarhernandezgt commented 4 years ago

Hi @BaptisteMeynier

Thank you for the update, I see you already opened a thread on the MP side of the fence (https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-marketing/issues/321) but that Gihtug Issue is not at all a blocker for this PR.

Do you think that I can submit the design like this or I should change something else?

I like the current design. The repository will soon be accepting PullRequest so you can submit the design mentioned here in the Issue. I guess more people will be providing feedback in the upcoming days.

As I already commented on other PR's from this repository, I think once the PR is accepted, the next step would be to decide where and how the image will be shared and published. On the top of my head, I think this can be used in social media, blog post, video, etc.

cesarhernandezgt commented 4 years ago

Hi @BaptisteMeynier Now the project is able to receive pull-request. Feel free to open a PR with your design.

BaptisteMeynier commented 4 years ago

Maybe I should wait validation of the Pull Request before ?

BaptisteMeynier commented 4 years ago

I try to create a branch with my work in order to create a PR but I'm not authorized to push.

I have an other question, MicroProfile was announced during the London Dev Nation in 2016 by IBM, Red Hat, Tomitribe, Payara, the London Java Community (LJC) and SouJava. I would like to know if Eclipse Foundation was directly in charge of MicroProfile Project. (I add a bubble above the Year 2016 and I would like to check if my statement is true)

keilw commented 4 years ago

Of course that's the idea, you're not supposed to merge PRs, that is for the members of the Jakarta EE WG or other full committers. Plus the PR has to be reviewed and accepted first before it can be merged (ideally in a four-eye-principle, different person merges than approves)

Eclipse Foundation is in charge of all Eclipse projects as governing and hosting Open Source Organization, also for MicroProfile, although sometimes a few active contributors try to do things "a little differently" but it has to be within the boundaries of what Eclipse Foundation allows projects to do ;-)

aeiras commented 4 years ago

I try to create a branch with my work in order to create a PR but I'm not authorized to push.

I have an other question, MicroProfile was announced during the London Dev Nation in 2016 by IBM, Red Hat, Tomitribe, Payara, the London Java Community (LJC) and SouJava. I would like to know if Eclipse Foundation was directly in charge of MicroProfile Project. (I add a bubble above the Year 2016 and I would like to check if my statement is true)

Hola Baptista,

MicroProfile was formally announced on June 27th, 2016 at DevNation conference in San Francisco.


The EF wasn’t a part in any form in the creation of MP. MP is fully 100 % community lead.

The EF EMO doesn’t manage nor has a vote not leads any project under its roof.

aeiras commented 4 years ago

One last thing, formally MP was became an EF project the first week of January 2017 with signature completed in London by Mike & me. The Legal transfer matters. If you need a date use January 2017.

BaptisteMeynier commented 4 years ago

@aeiras Very interesting, I updated the design.

Thx @keilw for informations, How can I proceed to submit my work ?

cesarhernandezgt commented 4 years ago

Hi @BaptisteMeynier

Replying in line:

Maybe I should wait validation of the Pull Request before ?

I don't think so because my PR is for initial structure and documentation. It doesn't cover how the actual contribution (Audio, video, etc) will be distributed.

For your PR I would suggest to create a folder structure like:

I try to create a branch with my work in order to create a PR but I'm not authorized to push.

Assuming that you already have an Eclipse User account and signed the Eclipse Contribution Agreement, the following is how I usually create PR's for eclipse related project:

  1. If it's the first time I'm going to work on the repository: Fork into my account the repo https://github.com/jakartaee/collateral
  2. Download (I use the option Open With Github Desktop) my new fork into my computer.
  3. In my local repository create a branch for my contribution: git checkout -b jakartaEEandMP
  4. Set my upstream to my origin: git push --set-upstream origin jakartaEEandMP
  5. create the folder and files in the structure described above.
  6. stage your new files: git add .
  7. Commit your changes locally: commit -m "Added Synergy JakartaEE and MicroProfile art work"
  8. Assuming that my github username is: cesar and the email address I used for my Eclipse account is: cesar@mail.com, the following is the line I use to sign the commit git commit --amend --author="cesar <cesar@mail.com>"
  9. Add bellow the line of commit message: Signed-off-by: cesar cesar@mail.com

    remove any blank line after.

  10. git push
  11. Navigating to Github web UI, create the Pull request

I know you may be already way familiar with the Git and Github PR process and there are many different ways to accomplish what I described above, but this questions is a recurring one so I like to provide visibility to others and also learn something new with the feedback I got when posting this kind of micro recipes 👍

If you still have issues creating the PR please keep us updated because I don't have yet visibility on this repos configuration to double check but I'm happy to keep helping.

This respotiry is a work in progress in terms of guidelines, configuration, etc. So thank you again for your proactivenes in pushing proposal, they are more than welcome and help us to better shape the guidelines and repository configurations!

BaptisteMeynier commented 4 years ago

Hi @cesarhernandezgt Thx for the process, however I have an issue with the "Signed-off-by" instruction. I join my commit Could you help me pls, I did a mistake but I don't see where. Thx

BaptisteMeynier commented 4 years ago

My Github account login is BaptisteMeynier I execute: git commit --amend --author="Baptiste Meynier baptiste.meynier@gmail.com" and signed off Baptiste Meynier The issue could be the space between my first and last name ? I should signed off with my Github account login ? https://wiki.eclipse.org/Development_Resources/Handling_Git_Contributions

In eclipse website I get the following message: "Meynier Baptiste (baptiste.meynier@****.com) did not include the "Signed-off-by footer" which is required for all commits made by a contributor."

cesarhernandezgt commented 4 years ago

Hi @BaptisteMeynier ,

I should signed off with my Github account login ?

Yes, I think that the main issue. By looking at your PR and your github username I think the commit amend should be like:

git commit --amend --author="BaptisteMeynier <baptiste.meynier@****.com>"

Also I think that I'm my list of steps I miss the < > between the email: Signed-off-by: BaptisteMeynier <baptiste.meynier@****.com>

This process it may be tricky the first time but after a couple of more Pr's it's becomes part of the game :)

BaptisteMeynier commented 4 years ago

Thx, it's work !