jakartaee / common-annotations-api

Jakarta Annotations
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Request for Jakarta Annotation API 1.3.6 with Module Descriptor #140

Open Thihup opened 3 months ago

Thihup commented 3 months ago

Would it be possible to publish an version like 1.3.6 with a module descriptor?

When trying to link the module com.sun.xml.ws@2.3.7, the only module that fails is the java.annotation, which the latest version is the 1.3.5.

Currently in my build, I can create a module-info and I add it to the jar:

jdeps --generate-module-info tmp lib/jakarta.annotation-api.jar 
javac --patch-module=java.annotation=lib/jakarta.annotation-api.jar tmp/java.annotation/module-info.java
jar uf lib/jakarta.annotation-api.jar -C tmp/java.annotation/ module-info.class 

However, migrating this to a Maven build complicates a lot, and it would be very useful if there was old release with the module-info descriptor.