Per input from the Eclipse EMO, each Specification Project needs to ensure that a or CONTRIBUTING.adoc file exists in each specification-related repository maintained by Specification Projects.
In addition, the or CONTRIBUTING.adoc file needs to include the following text:
## Eclipse Development Process
This Eclipse Foundation open project is governed by the Eclipse Foundation
Development Process and operates under the terms of the Eclipse IP Policy.
The Jakarta EE Specification Committee has adopted the Jakarta EE Specification
Process (JESP) in accordance with the Eclipse Foundation Specification Process
v1.2 (EFSP) to ensure that the specification process is complied with by all
Jakarta EE specification projects.
Please do this at your earliest convenience.
Thank you!
Create/Update CONTRIBUTING files
Per input from the Eclipse EMO, each Specification Project needs to ensure that a or CONTRIBUTING.adoc file exists in each specification-related repository maintained by Specification Projects. In addition, the or CONTRIBUTING.adoc file needs to include the following text:
Please do this at your earliest convenience. Thank you!
-- EE4J PMC (