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BE agnostic to annotation and DI [TCK] #141

Closed otaviojava closed 1 year ago

otaviojava commented 1 year ago

Hey Kyle, Nathan, could you help me?

I started to take a look at the TCK to begin writing the tests finally :) I understood that we could run the TCK without annotation and DI.

But when I removed those dependencies, it broke the build: https://github.com/jakartaee/data/blob/main/tck/pom.xml

In essence, AFAIK, we should be agnostic to annotations and the DI engine, so this dependency, at least to the core, should not be here.

I could explore OOP design with inversion of control where we'll provide SPI interfaces: to the entity and supplier of the repository.


interface Book {
String id();
void id(String id);

String description();
void id(String description);

Book build(String id, String description);

interface LibrarySupplier extends Supplier<CrudDataRepository<Book, String>{

public void CrudDataRepositoryTest{

@Display("On the save method it should insert when it is not on database")
public void shouldInsertOnSaveMethod(Book book, CrudDataRepository<Book, String> library) {
//more code here

Thus, each vendor will implement it with the annotations and the desirable DI.

Eclipse JNoSQL:

public class NoSQLBook implements Book {
private String id;

class WeldLibrarySupplier  implements LibrarySupplier{

//using weld CDI

JPA vendor:

public class NoSQLBook implements Book {
private String id;

class WeldLibrarySupplier  implements LibrarySupplier{

//using EntityFactory

Did I miss something, or is it missing code?

If it still needs this part, I can write without Archilian as a prototype, and then you can translate it here.

Ps: with the JPA specialization, it won't impact the JPA tests, but it will go only to JPA.

KyleAure commented 1 year ago


I think there may be some confusion as to the purpose of the TCK. The TCK is supposed to be written to test EVERYTHING that is written in the SPEC/API. All of the dependencies you removed are necessary to write a TCK that meets that goal.

I'll describe what each one of these is for:



We have to be able to write tests against web profile that uses servlet as a communication mechanism between the TCK and the platform the test is run on. Why do we need to test against web profile? Because our API defines how repositories should interact with Jakarta Transactions which are in web profile: https://github.com/jakartaee/data/blob/main/api/src/main/java/jakarta/data/repository/Repository.java#L505-L525

Injection and CDI


We have to use the @Inject annotation to write tests so that we can get an instance of a repository from the vendor. Our spec specifically calls out what is expected when a platform is using CDI as the DI platform and thus we need to be able to test it: https://github.com/jakartaee/data/blob/main/spec/src/main/asciidoc/repository.asciidoc#jakarta-data-cdi-extension

Looking back at the TCK there is an instance I used CDI in an instance where I cannot guarantee the test is running on Core profile or above:


Fixing under issue: #142



Honestly, I don't understand how we could write a TCK without having Persistence and NoSQL entities provided by these APIs. Our spec specifically says these two entities need to be supported. https://github.com/jakartaee/data/blob/main/spec/src/main/asciidoc/repository.asciidoc#entity-classes

Other comments

In essence, AFIK, we should be agnostic to annotations and the DI engine, so this dependency, at least to the core, should not be here.

We cannot be agnostic because we need to test ALL scenarios, including entity annotations from both Persistence, and NoSQL, when entities have no annotations, and when repositories are injected using CDI.

The thing you have to realize is that an implementation doesn't need to support everything it will depend on where they sit on the profile spectrum Standalone | Core | Web | Full

otaviojava commented 1 year ago


About transactions, remember that we put that, and we could remove these transaction details. I've proposed to specialize it to JPA.

IMHO: it is a bug; the repository must be agnostic instead of only working with JPA and occasionally with NoSQL.

We cannot be agnostic because we need to test ALL scenarios, including entity annotations from both Persistence, and NoSQL, when entities have no annotations and when repositories are injected using CDI.

If they use the JAR-RS client as a persistence layer, they will use JSON Binding's annotations. How can they test it?

njr-11 commented 1 year ago

If they use the JAR-RS client as a persistence layer, they will use JSON Binding's annotations. How can they test it?

The intention is for the TCK instructions to allow manually swapping out the Jakarta NoSQL/Persistence entity annotations on the common entities with custom entity annotations/model defined by the Jakarta Data provider. I wouldn't expect Kyle to have added that to the instructions yet, but it should be coming to address scenarios like that. If REST does get added officially to the specification at some point, then the annotations could be put directly onto the TCK provided entities, but there will always be a need for instructions to allow for manually swap in order to allow for testing custom entity models, whether this one ends up being custom or not.

otaviojava commented 1 year ago

If you do it manually to all possible combinations, it will become an endless TCK. We'll need to duplicate it and eventually lose the focus of our database integration.

We can delegate it to the vendor exploring the inversion of control. I'll create a prototype in a different repository to show that it is possible :)

njr-11 commented 1 year ago

To clarify, the manual replacement step would be taken by the vendor who introduces the custom entity model, not us. This does not make an endless TCK. But it certainly isn't how we want the TCK to be either, so if you have ideas for other solutions, please look into it. A better approach would be preferable, so I'm definitely interested in seeing what you come up with.

otaviojava commented 1 year ago

I created this proposal: https://github.com/soujava/data-tck-proposal

The cons:



njr-11 commented 1 year ago

The proposal at https://github.com/soujava/data-tck-proposal abstracts out both the @Inject and the entity. This would allow a vendor to certify an implementation that doesn't allow injection via jakarta.inject.Inject contrary to the requirements of the specification. What would it look like if the LibrarySupplier were removed from the proposal in favor of using @Inject? Does the remaining supplier for plugging in entity interfaces work on its own?

otaviojava commented 1 year ago

Let me test; I'll create a tag and try this scenario.

otaviojava commented 1 year ago

I wouldn't say I liked Awaitility because of the BASE on the database, however, I did not find anything better.

        .until(() -> {
            return reference.get() != null;
otaviojava commented 1 year ago

We can do it; I've updated this version.

CDI does not work with a broad inbound generic like this:

private CrudRepository<? extends Book, String>> repository;

So, I created this LibrarySupplier as a workaround:

public interface LibrarySupplier {

    <T extends CrudRepository<? extends Book, String>> T get();


If it supposes to be DI agnostic, why are we putting Inject as required? I could use Autowired and still work with this spec, right?

I got that we should cover the Jakarta EE platform aspect. Does TCK allow modules? Thus, we could have a module focusing on the data integration complexity:

Another one focus on the Jakarta EE platform world:

KyleAure commented 1 year ago

If it supposes to be DI agnostic, why are we putting Inject as required? I could use Autowired and still work with this spec, right?

This is a very hard question to answer because the TCK needs to have an injection point, otherwise, we cannot get implementations from vendors running the TCK.

The (controversial) counter-argument I would make is if the easiest way to write the TCK is to ask vendors to create SPIs just for the TCK. Then should we consider removing DI from the spec altogether and instead have a standard SPI for providing a repository in the spec so that the standalone and platforms can follow the same standard?

I got that we should cover the Jakarta EE platform aspect. Does TCK allow modules?

We don't need to use modules for this, we already have this functionality with the tiered annotations @Standalone for the data integration and @Core/@Web for everything else.
The problem is that tests written for @Standalone also need to be runnable on a platform OR we have to duplicate our tests.

njr-11 commented 1 year ago

If it supposes to be DI agnostic, why are we putting Inject as required? I could use Autowired and still work with this spec, right?

It makes sense that jakarta.inject.Inject is required for injection because Jakarta Data is a Jakarta EE specification, and as such, standardizes on the Jakarta platform. With Jakarta specifications you can write applications fully according to Jakarta EE standards. The TCK verifies that this can be achieved. The specification is not supposed to be Dependency Injection agnostic. It is a Jakarta spec and expected to follow Jakarta standards. As I've brought up before, the rest of the Jakarta world would have every right to insist upon mandating Jakarta CDI as well. However, we have intentionally architected the spec in a way that allows us to avoid mandating the use of Jakarta CDI for the sake of the providers with their own custom dependency injection, which can leverage the standard jakarta.inject.Inject. How dependency injection is achieved via jakarta.inject.Inject (whether by CDI or custom) becomes an implementation detail that the specification need not be concerned with because it does not impact how the application is instructed to use the Jakarta Data spec. The specification does not and should not (and thus the TCK does not and should not) test Autowired and other API of vendors' custom dependency injection. Vendors are free to make that work as vendor-specific API and have the full responsibility of any tests they want to perform as part of that effort.

otaviojava commented 1 year ago

Bean Validation works being DI agnostic; the same happens with JPA.

Thus, are they doing it wrong?

Sorry, I'm not familiar with Jakarta EE TCK.

P.s.: I'm not saying you should not test all the Jakarta EE platforms with the spec; we must! My question is not; why not on modules? In my head, I can see a kind of Pyramid test where we get more isolation to focus on data integration and the top all Jakarta EE integration with the spec as a module.

I guess a case sounds better:

Microstream is a database supporting frameworks such as Quarkus, Microprofile, Micronaut, and Spring. How can they run the TCK for those extensions?

njr-11 commented 1 year ago

Bean Validation works being DI agnostic; the same happens with JPA.

Thus, are they doing it wrong?

Could you be more specific about what in the Bean Validation and JPA specifications you are concerned might be wrong? The fact that vendors have leveraged these technologies in creative vendor-specific ways on top of what is defined in the specification does not make the specifications wrong. That includes the innovation of the repository pattern itself which we are now standardizing back into Jakarta EE as Jakarta Data.

Microstream is a database supporting frameworks such as Quarkus, Microprofile, Micronaut, and Spring. How can they run the TCK for those extensions?

There are two sets of vendors that must run the TCK:

  1. Jakarta Data providers
  2. Jakarta EE products with profiles that include Jakarta Data

If Microstream or any other vendor creates a product that is a Jakarta Data provider, it will run the TCK in standalone mode.

If Microstream or any other vendor creates a product that is a Jakarta EE profile that includes Jakarta Data then it will run the TCK in the mode for the respective Jakarta EE profile.

If it creates a product that is neither of the above, but instead something that integrates with Jakarta Data/providers then there is no requirement or expectation to run the TCK. That is not what the TCK is for. The TCK has no obligation to try to provide extra coverage for vendor-specific extensions or customizations that aren't themselves implementations of the spec. It is enough for the TCK to cover spec-defined function. That is all it is for. We should not be expending time and resource trying to go beyond that. Vendors will take care of their own extensions and optional function that they add and write whatever of their own testing they wish to cover it.

otaviojava commented 1 year ago

Could you be more specific about what in the Bean Validation and JPA specifications you are concerned might be wrong? For example, I can use Bean Validation without Inject, and the same happened with JPA.

I agree with you about the targets:

We agree that we must have that TCK audience, and if we agree about those points, why should I have the inject instead of focus on the goal of the spec:

Jakarta Data provides an API to allow easy data access technologies. Thus, a Java developer can split the persistence and the model with several features such as a Repository interface with the method by query, where the framework will implement it.

Jakarta Data spec

njr-11 commented 1 year ago

We agree that we must have that TCK audience, and if we agree about those points, why should I have the inject instead of focus on the goal of the spec:

Jakarta Data provides an API to allow easy data access technologies. Thus, a Java developer can split the persistence and the model with several features such as a Repository interface with the method by query, where the framework will implement it.

Within your question is the incorrect assertion that Inject is somehow opposed to the goals of the specification. Let's go through the parts of the specification goal individually:

"Jakarta Data provides an API" - jakarta.inject.Inject is consistent with that. It is official Jakarta EE API that can be standardized upon.

"allow easy data access technologies" - again, jakarta.inject.Inject helps to achieve this goal. By standardizing the approach to injection, you get to follow simple steps to write the application one easy way and it works everywhere, regardless of the provider. Not having this would mean the complexity of needing to figure out how to write the application differently for every provider.

"Thus, a Java developer can split the persistence and the model with several features such as a Repository interface with the method by query, where the framework will implement it." - jakarta.inject.Inject helps here too by standardizing how the application obtains what the framework implements.

jakarta.inject.Inject is not only consistent with, but is a key part of achieving the specification goals. It is wrong to characterize it as one instead of the other.

otaviojava commented 1 year ago

Within your question is the incorrect assertion that Inject is somehow opposed to the goals of the specification. Let's go through the parts of the specification goal individually:

I never said that; we agree that it is crucial, and we must test not just it but the whole Jakarta EE platform, such as CDI, Bean Validation, JTA, etc.

My point is once it is data integration, the main focus or MVP should guarantee this point and then move to the next one.

njr-11 commented 1 year ago

The Minimum Viable Product for a TCK is to test what the specification defines. The draft list of TCK scenarios, currently focuses predominantly on data access via the repository pattern because that is mostly what the specification covers, with just 3 of 62 scenarios currently written that mention aspects like JTA and CDI (when available in a profile) which are also part of the spec. There are currently 0 scenarios listed for Bean Validation because the Jakarta Data spec currently says nothing about it. It would be nice to get back to writing these tests rather than debating about decisions that were previously made. If we do need to add something to the specification for Bean Validation, that should be a separate issue. Can we close this one?

otaviojava commented 1 year ago

We can close it as a "won't fix" and define it only for JPA on Jakarta EE, or maybe instead of being a spec, focus on being a feature on the JPA spec.

Because we're not looking for data. There is more, beyond Microstream, such as Cassandra Mapper

Where is used:

public interface ProductDao {
  Product findById(UUID productId);

  void save(Product product);

  void delete(Product product);