Open BalusC opened 1 year ago
After bumping to GF 7.0.10 it now throws
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/weld/environment/se/WeldContainer
I don't know about 7.0.10. but in general GlassFish (via OSGi/Felix) has automatic protection enabled against updating anything by a major version.
This protection is in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF of each jar via a version range. E.g.
bnd glassfish8/glassfish/modules/weld-integration.jar | grep faces
You can edit the MANIFEST.MF files manually in each jar, or build GlassFish with an updated pom.xml for the new versions.
It is a default behavior of OSGI (maven felix plugin). It can be overriden, but increasing major version number usually means "breaking changes". And because OSGI is quite restrictive and respects also transitive dependencies, it causes many issues.
Still failing with 8.0.0-JDK17-M7.
3. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to resolve
org.glassfish.main.web.weld-integration [229]
missing requirement
&(package = com.sun.faces.spi) (version >= 4.1.0) (!(version >= 5.0.0))
Still unclear how to bypass from app on, I've never really worked with OSGI before.
We basically cannot add/run TCKs for Faces 5.0 until a GlassFish version is available implementing Faces 5.0.
Feels like chicken-egg.
Can anyone please help me sorting out this? This is blocking me from being able to develop new TCK tests for 5.0 because I'm unable to run them in order to verify if they work fine.
New TCK tests for:
TODO: this isn't working, GlassFish 7 basically complains Mojarra version can't be 5.0.0 or higher.
Can you please take a look @arjantijms