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Ajax inside a DataTable (getClientId append rowIndex) #865

Open eclipse-faces-bot opened 14 years ago

eclipse-faces-bot commented 14 years ago

Comments from [jsr-314-open] Ajax inside a DataTable:

Cagatay Civici

I've faced with an issue in our app I'd like to share when trying to update the datatable itself from a command element located inside a column. Case is to select a row, execute logic and update the datatable. Basic code:

<h:dataTable id="cars" var="car" value="#



Model Action As datatable has a rowIndex >= 0 during rendering of commandButton f:ajax defines the component id to render as cars: {rowIndex} where I should expect "cars" only. This is due to UIData.getClientId implementation as UIData adds rowIndex for unique row ids. This causes an issue with a nested f:ajax case. Andy Schwartz Ids specified by are relative to containing component - in this case, relative to the . This makes is easy to specify execute/render ids for components within the same NamingContainer (which is by far the most common case). In the case of iterating components like or , this means that execute/render ids refer to components within the same row. There is a way out of this... You can specify an absolute id by prefixing the id with ":". At that point the id starts from the root of the component tree and you can specify any number of colon-separated segments to descend into each naming container. (This matches the syntax used by findComponent().) Of course, specifying absolute paths is at a minimum difficult, and in some cases, just plain impossible to do (eg. when reusing content across multiple pages). In Trinidad we use a double-colon prefix ("::") to reference up one level in the NamingContainer hierarchy - similar to ".." in file system paths. I suggested exposing this when we were working on the spec, but this topic got shelved until 2.1. Dan has captured some of our thinking here: [http://seamframework.org/Documentation/JSF21#H-ReevaluateComponentReferencingMechanismP2](http://seamframework.org/Documentation/JSF21#H-ReevaluateComponentReferencingMechanismP2) More here: [http://seamframework.org/Documentation/JSFEnhancementComponentReferencing](http://seamframework.org/Documentation/JSFEnhancementComponentReferencing) Oh, and... for the particular use case that you describe above, I think that it is very important that the JSF implementations give some warning when a referenced component is not found, at least when running in development project stage. Not sure which implementation you are testing, but it might make sense to log bugs against MyFaces/Mojarra if this is failing silently in development mode. Martin Marinschek > Ids specified by are relative to containing component - in this > case, relative to the . This makes is easy to specify > execute/render ids for components within the same NamingContainer (which is > by far the most common case). In the case of iterating components like > or , this means that execute/render ids refer to > components within the same row. Yes, but what Cagatay totally correctly refers to is that the table is certainly not in a row - how can the table be in a row of itself? This is semantical nonsense. We should never include the row-index in the client-id of the table itself. For this, we need to revise the client-id generation algorithm. Without actually having tried it, I think that it is easy to do so, as we have a UIComponentBase.getContainerClientId() to create the client-id of the children - when this method is called, we append the row-index, if getClientId() itself is called, we don´t. Does this sound reasonable to you guys? I think we can regard this as an implementation bug - Catagay, can you open issues for Mojarra and MyFaces? Leonardo Uribe I just want to note a side effect of this change: getContainerClientId() was introduced in jsf 1.2, but code written in jsf 1.1 uses getClientId(). If we apply this change, all libraries for jsf 1.2 needs to be updated. I think we can do this for jsf 2.0 but my question is if we should apply this change on jsf 1.2 branch. Components written for jsf 1.1 that extends from UIData will not work correctly with this change. Martin Marinscheck > Components > written for > jsf 1.1 that extends from UIData will not work correctly with this change. ah, well - if they override the UIData functionality. Yes, you are right. Well, not sure how we should handle this properly. Maybe we should leave this for 2.0. Andy Schwartz Yes, but what Cagatay totally correctly refers to is that the table is certainly not in a row - how can the table be in a row of itself? This is semantical nonsense. Ugh, yes, of course. For a moment there it slipped my mind that the UIData component is indeed found as part of the relative id search. I was thinking that only the stamped components would be considered valid execute/render targets when a row index is set. But, since we spec'ed findComponent() semantics for execute/render, the UIData would indeed be found, and, yes, we should use the correct client id. Leonardo Uribe Added issue on myfaces: MYFACES-2744 UIData.getClientId() should not append rowIndex, instead use UIData.getContainerClientId() #### Environment Operating System: All Platform: All #### Affected Versions [2.0]
eclipse-faces-bot commented 5 years ago
eclipse-faces-bot commented 14 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented Reported by lu4242

eclipse-faces-bot commented 14 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented rogerk said: triaged

eclipse-faces-bot commented 13 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented rogerk said: triage

eclipse-faces-bot commented 13 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented cipriandobra said: A simple workaround is to place the dataTable inside a h:panelGroup and use its id.

eclipse-faces-bot commented 10 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented @edburns said: Set priority to baseline ahead of JSF 2.3 triage. Priorities will be assigned accurately after this exercise.

eclipse-faces-bot commented 10 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented @manfredriem said: Setting priority to Minor

eclipse-faces-bot commented 7 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented This issue was imported from java.net JIRA JAVASERVERFACES_SPEC_PUBLIC-865