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Decoder that act as separate functionality #879

Open eclipse-faces-bot opened 14 years ago

eclipse-faces-bot commented 14 years ago

I suggest to introduce concept of decoders as functionality that works independently from rendering functionality. JSF already has dedicated Renderer class. So it makes sense to do the same thing for decoding functionality. The first benefit from this approach would be possibility to send data from client directly to decoder, skipping on the way to it necessity to use JSF components and JSF life cycle. JSF developers will be able to create more stateless JSF applications and use Javascript libraries in more flexible than now manner.

The first usage of decoder would be the following kind of scenario:

client side: jsf.ajax.post({data:

{'dataHolder.value': value1}

, render: 'input1');

server side: if (isDataRequest(context.getExternalContext().getRequestHeaderMap()))

{ Decoder.handleDataRequest(context); context.responseComplete(); }

... ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression(context, key); ve.setValue(context.getELContext(), o.get(key)); ...

Note: The first argument of the method "post" would be optional and called "url". In case if developer need to customize handling of data from client we will use this argument as way to identify decoder that will handle the data.

Complete signature of the Javascript method could be defined something like this: jsf.ajax.post([url], [data], [handleAs], [render], [onSuccess(data)], onError(data)]);


Operating System: All Platform: All

Affected Versions


eclipse-faces-bot commented 5 years ago
eclipse-faces-bot commented 14 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented Reported by vladperl

eclipse-faces-bot commented 14 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented vladperl said: The following link seems could be used as supporting point: http://forums.java.net/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=481227

eclipse-faces-bot commented 13 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented rogerk said: triage

eclipse-faces-bot commented 13 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented rogerk said: triage

eclipse-faces-bot commented 10 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented @edburns said: Set priority to baseline ahead of JSF 2.3 triage. Priorities will be assigned accurately after this exercise.

eclipse-faces-bot commented 10 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented @manfredriem said: Setting priority to Minor

eclipse-faces-bot commented 7 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented This issue was imported from java.net JIRA JAVASERVERFACES_SPEC_PUBLIC-879