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New Home Page Banner #1747

Closed excentrickristy closed 7 months ago

excentrickristy commented 8 months ago

At @shabnammayel's request we have created a new home page banner design that includes a link to the latest release. It can link to https://jakarta.ee/release/

Design preview: https://invis.io/MZ13C3UGTXD6#/475114437_Jakarta-Design-New_Home_Banner_V2_11-2023

Design Files: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/sqbi74fafmcwkket4tzbq/h?rlkey=kig1mdgay4dmfi9kb3b2cczd8&dl=0

If you need help cutting specific design assets please let me know!

oliviergoulet5 commented 7 months ago

@excentrickristy Could I have the jumbotron background asset, please?

excentrickristy commented 7 months ago


oliviergoulet5 commented 7 months ago

Here is a preview: https://deploy-preview-1759--jakartaee.netlify.app/ @excentrickristy @shabnammayel

excentrickristy commented 7 months ago

Almost there, just a few picky tweaks to match the design:

On .header-wrapper .featured-jumbotron-default Can you change padding-top to 164px

And take the left margin off the text in the banner at desktop size so it aligns with the content further down the page.

On the background image I would do background-position: left center; for min-width: 1400px and then for 769px - 1400px switch to background-position: -230px 0; and then use background-position: 90% 0; for max-width: 768px;

oliviergoulet5 commented 7 months ago

Do you mean this margin?:


excentrickristy commented 7 months ago

yes please!

oliviergoulet5 commented 7 months ago

@excentrickristy The preview has been updated.

The CTA cards have also been updated - something I missed.

excentrickristy commented 7 months ago

looks amazing!! great work. Looks ready to go to me 👍

ZacharySabourin commented 6 months ago

These changes are now live! https://jakarta.ee/