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Create a "Become a Jakarta EE Sponsor" page #1887

Closed shabnammayel closed 3 months ago

shabnammayel commented 3 months ago

We have the mockup for the page: https://projects.invisionapp.com/share/PK13G87RRDG3#/screens/476181790_Become_A_Sponsor

@excentrickristy is making some minor updates to this page and will share the latest one here once ready.

We want to add the page under the membership drop down bellow "Members" and name it "Become a Sponsor". But we also want to change the name of membership in navigation to "Supporters" instead similar to what we have in the EF site and IDE WG website.

Would it be possible for this page to be implemented by next week Monday before the Devnexus Conference so we can share it with potential community members that might be interested to Sponsor? @chrisguindon

chrisguindon commented 3 months ago

@shabnammayel While we can accommodate this exception, please ensure to provide us with more advanced notice in the future. In order to prioritize this request, we'll need to postpone a project for SDV.

@oliviergoulet5 can you work with @shabnammayel and @excentrickristy on this project this week!

excentrickristy commented 3 months ago

I just updated the invision link with the latest edits.

@oliviergoulet5 I will cut some assets for you.

excentrickristy commented 3 months ago

sponsor-banner icon-4 icon-3 icon-2 icon-1

There are 4 white SVGs here.. you can right click to grab them hopefully! email me if you have trouble.

Here is the figma link: https://www.figma.com/file/4KdOpTvmODLbnW0r2fyQ1X/Jakarta-EE-Sponsor?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=fTDzYUjByzM9XMsB-1

Let me know if there's anything else you need.

oliviergoulet5 commented 3 months ago

@excentrickristy Thanks!

I believe I need the icons used here (without the blue background): image

And the Jakarta EE Sponsor logo:


oliviergoulet5 commented 3 months ago

@shabnammayel I have two more questions:

  1. Can I get the URLs for the links? For "contact us" and "become a sponsor"
  2. What will the URL be?


https://jakarta.ee/membership/become-a-sponsor https://jakarta.ee/sponsor https://jakarta.ee/supporters/sponsor https://jakarta.ee/sponsor/become-a-sponsor

excentrickristy commented 3 months ago

icon-1-bannerlogo icon-3-banner icon-2-banner white icons here^

shabnammayel commented 3 months ago


Can I get the URLs for the links? For "contact us": https://jakarta.ee/membership/join-us/ and "become a sponsor": https://www.eclipse.org/org/workinggroups/sponsorship/working-group-sponsorship-agreement.pdf What will the URL be? https://jakarta.ee/supporters/sponsor


oliviergoulet5 commented 3 months ago

Here is a preview of the page: https://deploy-preview-1888--jakartaee.netlify.app/supporters/sponsor/

@shabnammayel @excentrickristy

chrisguindon commented 3 months ago

That was quick @oliviergoulet5! Great job!

excentrickristy commented 3 months ago

great work!!!

shabnammayel commented 3 months ago

This is great! thanks so much @oliviergoulet5 Can you only add the link to OCX where we mention it?https://www.opencode-x.org/event/778b82cc-6834-48a4-a58e-f883c5a7b8c9/summary It's under the Sponsor Perks.


oliviergoulet5 commented 3 months ago

Updated the preview with a link! @shabnammayel

I'll put the patch into review with the rest of the webdev team

shabnammayel commented 3 months ago

Perfect! thanks @oliviergoulet5

oliviergoulet5 commented 3 months ago

Going live!