jakartaee / jakartaone.org

JakartaOne Live is a one day virtual conference for developers and technical business leaders that brings insights into the current state and future of Jakarta EE and related technologies focused on developing cloud-native Java applications.
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Closed jonathanvila closed 4 years ago

jonathanvila commented 4 years ago

Title = Comitee Descrption= ¡Nos enorgullece anunciar que las sesiones y conferencias del evento JakartaOne En Español Livestream son elegidas por un comité independiente compuesto por voluntarios de la comunidad Jakarta® EE y Cloud Native Java!

Program Committee

autumnfound commented 4 years ago

Could you provide titles in Spanish and English? Thanks!

HillmerCh commented 4 years ago

Could you provide titles in Spanish and English? Thanks!

Spanish Title = Comité del Programa Description = ¡Nos enorgullece anunciar que las sesiones y charlas del evento JakartaOne En Español Livestream son elegidas por un comité independiente compuesto por voluntarios de la comunidad Jakarta® EE y Cloud Native Java!

Comité del Programa

Alberto Salazar Carlos Camacho Eudris Cabrera Hillmer Chona Jonathan Vila

English Title = Program Committee Description = ¡We are proud to say that the sessions and keynotes for JakartaOne in Spanish Livestream Event are chosen by an independent program committee made up of volunteers from the Jakarta® EE and Cloud Native Java community!

Program Committee

Alberto Salazar Carlos Camacho Eudris Cabrera Hillmer Chona Jonathan Vila

jonathanvila commented 4 years ago

Name: Jonathan Vila Description: Software Engineer en Red Hat - BarcelonaJUG leader

Photo: profile

Bio : Working at Red Hat as Senior Software Engineer in the Middleware area, but I have worked as a developer since the first release of The Secret of Monkey Island, about 30 years ago. PMP certified by the PMI in Project Management. Also leader of the Barcelona Java Users Group and founder of the conference JBCNConf in Barcelona. Very interested in simulated reality, psychology and Java along with management technologies. Speaker at Oracle Code One, DevNexus and meetups BarcelonaJUG and MadridJUG.

Bio Spanish : Trabajo en Red Hat como Senior Software Engineer en el area de Middleware, pero he trabajado como desarrollador desde la primera version de El Secreto de Monkey Island, hace unos 30 años. Certificado como PMP por el PMI en Gestion de Proyectos. Tambien leader del Barcelona Java Users Group y fundado de la conferencia JBCNConf en Barcelona. Muy interesado en realidad simulada, psicologia y Java a la par que con metodologias de gestion. Speaker en Oracle Code One, DevNexus y los meetups de BarcelonaJUG y MadridJUG.

HillmerCh commented 4 years ago

Bio: Hillmer is a System Engineer, Java Champion, Oracle GroundBreaker Ambassador, Medellin JUG Leader, Organizer of the Hispanic Community of JUGs, Duke’s Choice Award Winner, Open Source Contributor in project such as Hibernate Validator and Eclipse Collections, and software architect focusing on Java Technologies. In his job he has been both project manager and software architect.

Bio Spanish: Hillmer es Ingeniero de Sistemas, Java Champion, Oracle GroundBreaker Ambassador, Líder de la Comunidad de Java Medellin, Organizador de la Comunidad Hispana de JUGs, Ganador del reconocimiento Duke’s Choice Award, Contribuidor en proyectos Open Source como Hibernate Validator y Eclipse Collections, y Arquitecto de Software enfocado en Tecnologías Java. En su trabajo combina roles de Administrador de Proyectos y Arquitecto de Software.

lasalazarr commented 4 years ago

Name: Alberto Salazar Description: Chief Advance Latam - Ecuador JUG Leader


Bio : Entrepreneur, passionate Consultant, Java Champion, Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador, JUG Leader, Auth0 Ambassador, founder of the Ecuador Java User Group, Java Community Process Associate Member and Java evangelist/trainer; active in twitter at @betoSalazar. He is the co-author of the book 'Software Architecture with Spring 5.0'. Alberto has been working for 2 decades creating large scalable and high transaction load systems from military software to banking solutions. He is also a frequent speaker at Java conferences such as Oracle Code One, JBCNConf, Voxxed Days, Oracle Code, Red Hat Summit, JavaOne, Oracle Developer Tour Latam, OTN Tours, and local JUG meetings.

Bio Spanish :

Emprendedor, Consultor, Java Champion, Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador, JUG Leader, Auth0 Ambassador, fundador del Grupo de Usuarios de Java en Ecuador, Miembro Asociado de Java Community Process y evangelista/entrenador de Java; activo en twitter en @betoSalazar. Es co-autor del libro 'Software Architecture with Spring 5.0'. Alberto ha estado trabajando durante 2 décadas creando sistemas de gran escala y alta carga transaccional desde software militar hasta soluciones bancarias. También es un ponente frecuente en conferencias sobre Java como Oracle Code One, JBCNConf, Voxxed Days, Oracle Code, Red Hat Summit, JavaOne, Oracle Developer Tour Latam, OTN Tours, y reuniones locales de JUG.

ecabrerar commented 4 years ago

Name: Eudris Cabrera Description: Software Developer - Dominican Republic JUG Co-Leader atlantadevnexus2020

Bio Telematics engineer, technologist and open source enthusiast, software developer, Java and Linux Trainer / Lecturer, baseball / softball lover and Latin dance fan. Currently, working at the Dominican Republic Ministry of Finance as a Software Developer.

2014 Linux Training Scholarship Recipient as Developer Do-Gooder. Java Community Process Associate Member, Co-founder of the Dominican Republic JUG (aka Java Dominicano) and member of the organizing staff of JConf Dominicana (https://jconfdominicana.org).

In his leisure time, he writes articles, talks and helps to review technical documentation in the Java Ecosystem and the open source world.

Bio Spanish : Ingeniero Telemático (Egresado de PUCMM). Actualmente Desarrollador Informático en el Ministerio de Hacienda de la República Dominicana. Entusiasta de la tecnología y el software libre, desarrollador Java, instructor ocasional (Java / Linux), aficionado del béisbol/sóftbol y los bailes latinos.

Ganador de la beca Linux Training Scholarship 2014 en la categoría Developer Do-Gooder. Miembro asociado del JCP (Java Community Process). Co-fundador / Organizador del grupo de usuarios Java (Java User Group ) de la República Dominicana (aka Java Dominicano) y miembro del staff organizador de JConf Dominicana (https://jconfdominicana.org)

En el tiempo libre, escribe artículos, realiza charlas y ayuda en la revisión de documentación técnica en el mundo Java y el código abierto.

vacax commented 4 years ago

Name: Carlos Camacho Description: Software Developer – University professor - Dominican Republic JUG Co-Leader



Telematic Engineer, University Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), Currently Director of the School of Computing and Telecommunications. Co-founder and organizer of the Java User Group in the Dominican Republic, known as Java Dominicano, Member of The Dominican Free and Open Source Foundation. Co-Organizer of the first event dedicated to the Java platform in the Dominican Republic, JConf Dominicana 2019 (https://jconfdominicana.org). Co-organizer of the Barcamp RD (https://barcamp.org.do/), an exclusive event to present topics related to technologies on the way to its eighth edition in November 2020. In my more than fifteen years of experience I consider myself an evangelist of the Java platform and all its derivatives, where I have taught different courses in different educational centers in the Dominican Republic and supported projects under the platform. Professionally, I am Director of Technology at the company AvatharTech, dedicated to the development and consulting of applications for the country's productive sectors.

Bio Español:

Ingeniero Telemático, Profesor Universitario en la Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), Actualmente Director de la Escuela en Computación y Telecomunicaciones. Co-fundador y organizador del Java User Group en República Dominicana, conocido como Java Dominicano, Miembro de La Fundación Código Libre Dominicano. Co-Organizador del primer evento dedicado a la plataforma Java en República Dominicana, JConf Dominicana 2019 (https://jconfdominicana.org). Co-organizador del Barcamp RD (https://barcamp.org.do/), evento exclusivo para presentar temas relacionado a tecnologías en camino a su octava edición en noviembre del 2020. En mis más de quince años de experiencia me considero un evangelista de la plataforma Java y todos sus derivados, donde he impartido diferentes cursos en diferentes centros educativos en República Dominicana y apoyado proyectos bajo la plataforma. Profesionalmente soy Director de Tecnologías en la empresa AvatharTech, dedicada al desarrollo y consultoría de aplicaciones para los sectores productivos del país.

TanjaObradovic commented 4 years ago

It is great to see all the progress on the website! As this is brand new initiative, we will need to consult Jakarta EE WG, who is sponsoring this event if they are interested to take part. Maybe some of the Eclipse Foundation members as well. The requirement of course speaking Spanish! I have set up another call on Monday to discuss further and review the text on the website before publishing and making it live.

jonathanvila commented 4 years ago

@autumnfound , we are only 5 organisers ( could you remove Paulo Simoes ) , now the slider is showing 4, and the other 2 you need to click on the slider to see them


Screenshot-20200612181957-1168x447 Screenshot-20200612182011-1157x401

Could you please remove the Slider and show the 5 organisers at the same time ?

TanjaObradovic commented 4 years ago

We can also hold off on finalizing the Program Committee related work, as we may have additional members on the committee from the Jakarta EE Working Group members. We will know more later next week.

ecabrerar commented 4 years ago

Hi @autumnfound We need to make a small change. In the committee members, Please, change the Carlos Camacho description by: Software Developer – University professor - Dominican Republic JUG Co-Leader.

And Eudris Cabrera Description: Software Developer - Dominican Republic JUG Co-Leader
