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xml binding tck documentation issues #19

Closed alwin-joseph closed 3 years ago

alwin-joseph commented 4 years ago

This is copied from https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jakartaee-tck/issues/436

@edbratt @gurunrao

Tomas-Kraus commented 4 years ago

Well, I opened user guide and most of the setup text is based on running the configuration GUI and setting properties based on the long tab in chapter 4.1.2 XML Binding-Specific Configuration Settings. So I downloaded latest jakarta-xml-binding-tck-3.0.0.zip and did following steps:

unzip jakarta-xml-binding-tck-3.0.0.zip
java -jar JAXB-TCK-3.0.jar 
export TS_HOME=/data/tck/tmp/JAXB-TCK-3.0
cd ${TS_HOME}/bin && ant gui

And last command failed with

bash: cd: /data/tck/tmp/JAXB-TCK-3.0/bin: No such file or directory

I checked extracted file structure and yes, JAXB-TCK-3.0/bin is really missing in the bundle. So whole user guide which is based on and script in ${TS_HOME}/bin and usage of JavaTest GUI does not make sense now.

Current JAXB TCK jobs are based on docker/run_jaxbtck.sh shell script in git repository which is using pre-configured setup in ${TS_HOME}/lib/javasoft-multiJVM.jti which works fine with EE4J JAXB RI 3.0.0 releases, but this is just internal solution. Customers can't access it.

JAXB TCK bundle needs working setup before we can start working on user guide.

Tomas-Kraus commented 4 years ago

I found old TCK user guide from Sun [edited] And it never mentioned $TS_HOME/bin. Also $TS_HOME/bin was never added to the bundle so we need to rewrite the whole part of user guide related to tests configuration.

m0mus commented 4 years ago

@alwin-joseph or @gurunrao can you help with the issue @Tomas-Kraus found? Shall we just remove this chapter or just keep a properties list with some description? I guess that these properties can be updated in some configuration files using a text editor.

Tomas-Kraus commented 4 years ago

Config GUI can be started another way:

export TS_HOME=/where/is/JAXB-TCK-3.0
java -jar lib/javatest.jar -newDesktop

But it also does not work. Looks like it can't find testsuite config.

gurunrao commented 4 years ago

@m0mus - I have created new bundle here - https://ci.eclipse.org/jakartaee-tck/job/jaxb-tck-grao/job/build-changes/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/bundles/xml-binding-tck-3.0.0.zip for getting started. We are currently working based on old user guide.

gurunrao commented 4 years ago

@Tomas-Kraus Please follow these steps for running the JAXB TCK: export WORKSPACE=$PWD

wget https://ci.eclipse.org/jakartaee-tck/job/jaxb-tck/job/master/58/artifact/bundles/xml-binding-tck-3.0.0.zip -O $WORKSPACE/xml-binding-tck.zip && unzip $WORKSPACE/xml-binding-tck.zip

wget https://ci.eclipse.org/jaxb-impl/job/jaxb-ri-master-build/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/jaxb-ri/bundles/ri/target/jaxb-ri.zip -O $WORKSPACE/jaxb-ri.zip && unzip -o $WORKSPACE/jaxb-ri.zip

wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/jakarta/activation/jakarta.activation-api/2.0.0-RC3/jakarta.activation-api-2.0.0-RC3.jar -O $WORKSPACE/jakarta.activation-api.jar

wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/checkerframework/checker/3.5.0/checker-3.5.0.jar -O ${WORKSPACE}/checker.jar

open JAXB-TCK-3.0/testsuite.jtt and set "finder" to "com.sun.javatest.finder.BinaryTestFinder -binary ./testsuite.jtd"

###################### start tests command line

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar ${WORKSPACE}/JAXB-TCK-3.0/lib/javatest.jar -batch -testsuite ${WORKSPACE}/JAXB-TCK-3.0 -open ${WORKSPACE}/JAXB-TCK-3.0/lib/javasoft-multiJVM.jti -workdir -create ${WORKSPACE}/batch-multiJVM/work -set jck.env.jaxb.xsd_compiler.skipValidationOptional Yes -set jck.env.jaxb.xsd_compiler.testCompile.xjcCmd "/bin/sh ${WORKSPACE}/JAXB-TCK-3.0/linux/bin/xjc.sh" -set jck.env.jaxb.schemagen.run.jxcCmd "/bin/sh ${WORKSPACE}/JAXB-TCK-3.0/linux/bin/schemagen.sh" -set jck.env.jaxb.testExecute.otherEnvVars "JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0_191 JAXB_HOME=${WORKSPACE}/jaxb-ri JAXB_ENDORSED=${WORKSPACE}/jaxb-ri/mod/jakarta.xml.bind-api.jar" -set jck.env.jaxb.classes.jaxbClasses "${WORKSPACE}/checker.jar ${WORKSPACE}/jaxb-ri/mod/jakarta.xml.bind-api.jar ${WORKSPACE}/jaxb-ri/mod/jaxb-impl.jar ${WORKSPACE}/jaxb-ri/mod/jaxb-jxc.jar ${WORKSPACE}/jaxb-ri/mod/jakarta.activation.jar" -set jck.env.jaxb.classes.needJaxbClasses Yes -runtests

Tomas-Kraus commented 4 years ago

I started working on user guide updates. My work in progress PR is here: https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jaxb-tck/pull/29 In chapter 4. there are few off topic sections: 4.2 Unused Section 4.3 Unused Section 4.4 Custom Configuration Handlers 4.5 Custom Deployment Handlers 4.7 Using the JavaTest Harness Configuration GUI Those are chapters related to $TS_HOME/bin (does not exist) or JavaTest GUI (not being used and tested in this TCK release). I'm going to remove them from user guide.

lukasj commented 3 years ago

this one is fixed