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TCK Challenge for 16 tests failing due to www.w3.org redirect from http to https #78

Closed scottmarlow closed 2 years ago

scottmarlow commented 2 years ago

The same tests were passing previous to the change from http to https.

For background see articles:

The XML Binding 4.0 TCK tests that are failing now that previously passed before the www.w3.org started redirecting http requests to https.

For background see https://www.w3.org/blog/2022/07/redirecting-to-https-on-www-w3-org/ + https://www.w3.org/blog/2022/08/https-redirection-observations

Tests that are failing now that previously passed before the https://www.w3.org/blog/2022/07/redirecting-to-https-on-www-w3-org/ change:

  1. api/jakarta_xml/bind/JAXBContext/java2schema/CustomizedMapping/packages/XmlAccessorType/srcInherit5_testCase0001.jtr
  2. api/jakarta_xml/bind/JAXBContext/java2schema/CustomizedMapping/packages/XmlAccessorType/srcInherit5_testCase0002.jtr
  3. api/jakarta_xml/bind/JAXBContext/java2schema/CustomizedMapping/packages/XmlAccessorType/srcInherit5_testCase0003.jtr
  4. api/jakarta_xml/bind/JAXBContext/java2schema/CustomizedMapping/packages/XmlAccessorType/srcNone_testCase0001.jtr
  5. api/jakarta_xml/bind/JAXBContext/java2schema/CustomizedMapping/packages/XmlAccessorType/srcNone_testCase0002.jtr
  6. api/jakarta_xml/bind/JAXBContext/java2schema/CustomizedMapping/packages/XmlAccessorType/srcNone_testCase0003.jtr
  7. api/jakarta_xml/bind/JAXBContext/java2schema/CustomizedMapping/property_fields/XmlMimeType/src01_testCase0001.jtr
  8. api/jakarta_xml/bind/JAXBContext/java2schema/CustomizedMapping/property_fields/XmlMimeType/src01_testCase0002.jtr
  9. java2schema/CustomizedMapping/packages/XmlAccessorType/srcInherit5_testCase0001.jtr
  10. java2schema/CustomizedMapping/packages/XmlAccessorType/srcInherit5_testCase0002.jtr
  11. java2schema/CustomizedMapping/packages/XmlAccessorType/srcInherit5_testCase0003.jtr
  12. java2schema/CustomizedMapping/packages/XmlAccessorType/srcNone_testCase0001.jtr
  13. java2schema/CustomizedMapping/packages/XmlAccessorType/srcNone_testCase0002.jtr
  14. java2schema/CustomizedMapping/packages/XmlAccessorType/srcNone_testCase0003.jtr
  15. java2schema/CustomizedMapping/property_fields/XmlMimeType/src01_testCase0001.jtr
  16. java2schema/CustomizedMapping/property_fields/XmlMimeType/src01_testCase0002.jtr

Failing test jtr files are archived here via failure_jtr.zip.

GlassFish 7.0.0-M8 also fails as well as per https://ci.eclipse.org/jakartaee-tck/job/jaxb-tck/job/master/175/

CC @alwin-joseph @gurunrao @arjantijms

scottmarlow commented 2 years ago

To verify that the XML Binding 4.0 TCK test failures still occur, @gurunrao started https://ci.eclipse.org/jakartaee-tck/job/jaxb-tck/job/master/176/ and https://ci.eclipse.org/jakartaee-tck/job/jaxb-tck/job/master/177/ are the latest runs of XML Binding TCK with GF 7 M8. Thanks Guru!

scottmarlow commented 2 years ago

Output from api/jakarta_xml/bind/JAXBContext/java2schema/CustomizedMapping/packages/XmlAccessorType/srcInherit5.html#testCase0001 test during last Friday's (September 9, 2022) GF test run is copied to https://gist.github.com/scottmarlow/da62aa4596b2fb159a8a8515efbc17dc

gurunrao commented 2 years ago

@scottmarlow - https://ci.eclipse.org/jakartaee-tck/job/jaxb-tck/job/master/176/ and https://ci.eclipse.org/jakartaee-tck/job/jaxb-tck/job/master/177/ are failing. The GF 7 M8 certification run https://ci.eclipse.org/jakartaee-tck/job/jaxb-tck/job/master/174/ and https://ci.eclipse.org/jakartaee-tck/job/jaxb-tck/job/master/173/, which are run ~20 days ago have passed.

jimma commented 2 years ago

@gurunrao That's expected. Before this w3 website http->https redirect change, tests are all passed. After the redirect, there will be 16 test failures.

gurunrao commented 2 years ago

@gurunrao That's expected. Before this w3 website http->https redirect change, tests are all passed. After the redirect, there will be 16 test failures.

The tests passed with http -> https redirect change, was my point.

scottmarlow commented 2 years ago

Could one of the committers please add the challenge label to this issue.

https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jakartaee-tck/wiki/Jakarta-EE-10.0-TCK-results has been updated to include the failing 16 XML Binding TCK tests.

From https://www.w3.org/blog/2022/07/redirecting-to-https-on-www-w3-org:

Redirecting to https on all of www.w3.org W3C’s main web site www.w3.org has been available via https for over a decade, but until now we have not been redirecting all requests to https as is commonly done on most other sites.

The primary reason for this is that we wanted to avoid causing issues for software requesting machine-readable resources from www.w3.org such as HTML DTDs, XML Schemas, and namespace documents. We believe enough time has passed for most such software to have been updated to handle redirects and https, so we are planning to start redirecting all requests received over http to https within a month or two. ...

As we can all read, any http requests will be redirected to https which is the likely cause of the 16 GlassFish 7 M8 TCK failures that contain messages like this:

compileSchema: Failed. Fatal error:http://www.w3.org/2005/05/xmlmime(1,1): Premature end of file.
STATUS:Failed.test cases: 1; all failed; first test case failure: compileSchema
Fatal Error: http://www.w3.org/2005/05/xmlmime(1,1): Premature end of file.
result: Failed. test cases: 1; all failed; first test case failure: compileSchema

test result: Failed. test cases: 1; all failed; first test case failure: compileSchema

The quickest correction for these failures would be excluding the 16 tests and releasing a https://download.eclipse.org/jakartaee/xml-binding/4.0/jakarta-xml-binding-tck-4.0.1.zip with the 16 tests excluded. The alternative would take longer and involve updating the 16 tests to not use http references to the www.w3.org website (or something like that).

lukasj commented 2 years ago

failing tests are there to verify handling of/schemageneration for @XmlMimeType(value = "image/jpeg") by the implementation - actual schema generation (which in fact adds the now invalid schemalocation to the schema) is responsibility of the implementation and not responsibility of the TCK, TCK only verifies the result of the java-to-schema generation process, so the problem is in the implementation and has to be fixed there

jimma commented 2 years ago

@lukasj I see the jaxb-ri 4.0.1 artifact for this tck issue is still in stage : https://jakarta.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/staging/org/glassfish/jaxb/jaxb-core/4.0.1/. Can it be released now ?

lukasj commented 2 years ago

@jimma this is not the right place for questions about RI