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TCK Challenge -- Incorrect requirement around combination of 'length' and 'minLength' facets #82

Closed bstansberry closed 8 months ago

bstansberry commented 8 months ago


Two TCK tests are requiring behavior related to the relationship between 'length' and 'minLength' facets on a simple type that go beyond what XML Schema requires. They expect the JAXB implementation to reject compilation of xsds that are valid. Implementors could pass these tests for many years due to bugs in Xerces or Java SE's internal adaption of xerces, but since January 2022 Xerces and the various SE releases have been rolling out fixes for that bug and the tests will not pass using the latest Xerces or SE releases.

The Challenge

The two tests in question are negative tests that expect the implementation to fail to compile the test xsd. The tests both use an equivalent xsd.

1) xml_schema/msData/datatypes/Facets/Schemas/jaxb/IDREFS_length006_395.html#IDREFS_length006_395

The xsd is as follows:


<?xml version='1.0'?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' >
<!-- Schema to test IDREFS datatype -->
  <xsd:element name='test' type='fooType' />
  <xsd:complexType name='fooType' > 
      <xsd:element name='foo' >
            <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
              <xsd:attribute name='attrTest'>
                  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:IDREFS">
                            <xsd:length value="5"/>
                            <xsd:minLength value="1"/>

2) xml_schema/msData/datatypes/Facets/Schemas/jaxb/NMTOKENS_length006_438.html#NMTOKENS_length006_438

The xsd used is :


The xsd content is the same as the previous one so I won't repost it.

Both are based on and restrict the IDREFs type:


<xs:simpleType name="IDREFS" id="IDREFS">
      <hfp:hasFacet name="length"/>
      <hfp:hasFacet name="minLength"/>
      <hfp:hasFacet name="maxLength"/>
      <hfp:hasFacet name="enumeration"/>
      <hfp:hasFacet name="whiteSpace"/>
      <hfp:hasFacet name="pattern"/>
      <hfp:hasProperty name="ordered" value="false"/>
      <hfp:hasProperty name="bounded" value="false"/>
      <hfp:hasProperty name="cardinality" value="countably infinite"/>
      <hfp:hasProperty name="numeric" value="false"/>
    <xs:documentation source="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#IDREFS"/>
      <xs:list itemType="xs:IDREF"/>
    <xs:minLength value="1" id="IDREFS.minLength"/>

In effect the test xsds add to the base type restriction that the list minLength is 1 an additional restriction that the list length must be 5. The xsds also repeat the base type's restriction that minLength = 1.

The tests expect compilation to fail. Perhaps this was because at some point the thinking was combining 'length' and 'minLength' was invalid. I don't know. But the XML Schema 2: Datatypes document lists the requirements around 'length' facets:

https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#rf-facets Constraints on length Schema Components

Schema Component Constraint: length and minLength or maxLength

If length is a member of {facets} then

1. It is an error for minLength to be a member of {facets} unless
  1.1 the {value}] of minLength <= the {value} of length and
  1.2 there is type definition from which this one is derived by one or more restriction steps in which minLength has the same {value} and length is not specified.
2 It is an error for maxLength to be a member of {facets} unless
  2.1 the {value} of length <= the {value} of maxLength and
  2.2 there is type definition from which this one is derived by one or more restriction steps in which maxLength has the same {value} and length is not specified.

Schema Component Constraint: length valid restriction

It is an ·error· if length is among the members of {facets} of {base type definition} and {value} is not equal to the {value} of the parent length.

Neither of the TCK xsds shown above violate these constraints, so there is no reason they should fail to compile.

Background Info -- the Xerces/Java SE bug

Until recently JAXB implementations may not have been aware that the test was making an invalid assertion because of a bug in Xerces and Java SE that caused compilation of the test xsds to fail (and thus the negative tests to pass):


This was fixed in Xerces 2.12.2, released in January 2022. Following that OpenJDK began porting the Xerces 2.12.2 fixes into Java SE (for SE 19):


Backports to other SE branches were done; the complete list is shown in JDK-8282280. For the LTS SE streams it was resolved in October 2022 in SE 11.0.17 (https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8290810) and in SE 17.0.5 (https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8290508).

As test environments move to more recent Xerces or Java SE releases I expect they will start to fail these tests.

bstansberry commented 8 months ago

Note that I don't think these tests can be 'fixed' in a patch release. Changing them to a positive test would break anyone who currently passes them, and changing them to test some other invalid relationship between length and minLength would be a new test.

bstansberry commented 8 months ago

Note that the data in the most recent TCK run for jaxb-ri at https://ci.eclipse.org/jaxb-impl/job/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/18/ indicates the test passes because of the Xerces or JDK bug. From IDREF_length006_525_IDREF_length006_525.jtr

command: javasoft.sqe.javatest.lib.ProcessCommand JAVA_HOME=/opt/tools/java/openjdk/jdk-11/latest JAXB_HOME=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/jaxb-ri CLASSPATH=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/xml-binding-tck/classes:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/checker.jar:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/jaxb-ri/mod/jakarta.xml.bind-api.jar:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/jaxb-ri/mod/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/jaxb-ri/mod/jaxb-jxc.jar:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/jaxb-ri/mod/jakarta.activation-api.jar:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/xml-binding-tck/lib/javatest.jar /bin/sh /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/xml-binding-tck/linux/bin/xjc.sh -p javasoft.sqe.tests.datatypes.facets.schemas.idref_length006 -d /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/batch-multiJVM/work/classes/datatypes/facets/schemas/idreflength006 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/xml-binding-tck/tests/xml_schema/msData/datatypes/Facets/Schemas/jaxb/../IDREF_length006.xsd
parsing a schema...
Failed to parse a schema.
/opt/tools/java/openjdk/jdk-11/latest/bin/java -cp /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/xml-binding-tck/classes:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/checker.jar:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/jaxb-ri/mod/jakarta.xml.bind-api.jar:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/jaxb-ri/mod/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/jaxb-ri/mod/jaxb-jxc.jar:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/jaxb-ri/mod/jakarta.activation-api.jar:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/xml-binding-tck/lib/javatest.jar com.sun.jaxb_tck.lib.JaxbCommand -xjc com.sun.jaxb_tck.lib.SchemaCompiler - -p javasoft.sqe.tests.datatypes.facets.schemas.idref_length006 -d /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/batch-multiJVM/work/classes/datatypes/facets/schemas/idreflength006 /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/xml-binding-tck/tests/xml_schema/msData/datatypes/Facets/Schemas/jaxb/../IDREF_length006.xsd
[ERROR] length-minLength-maxLength.1.1: For type #AnonType_attrTestfoofooType, it is an error for the value of length '-1' to be less than the value of minLength '1'.
  line 13 of file:/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-jakarta-ri-tck/xml-binding-tck/tests/xml_schema/msData/datatypes/Facets/Schemas/IDREF_length006.xsd

result: Failed. exit code 1

test result: Passed. compilation failed as expected

Looking up the use of the message code that produced the '[ERROR] length-minLength-maxLength.1.1 ...' logging leads to the code corrected by XERCES-1729 and the Java SE ports of it. The "value of length '-1'" bit indicates that the code was reading the 'length' from the base IDREFs type, which doesn't configure length, so the value is -1. Reading that value when it wasn't defined is the XERCES-1729 bug.

lukasj commented 8 months ago

I believe these tests should be excluded in TCKs for EE <=10 and changed to not expect failure for EE 11 (given EE 11 requires SE 21+)

bstansberry commented 8 months ago

Thanks, @lukasj!

scottmarlow commented 8 months ago

I believe these tests should be excluded in TCKs for EE <=10


scottmarlow commented 8 months ago

@lukasj since this TCK challenge is accepted could you please close this issue as per TCK Process:

Accepted Challenges

A consensus that a test produces invalid results will result in the exclusion of that test from certification requirements, and an immediate update and release of an official distribution of the TCK including the new exclude list. The associated challenge issue MUST be closed with an accepted label to indicate it has been resolved. . . .

If you do intend to release updated TCKs that could be worth keeping this open a bit longer as ^ is a bit ambiguous.

lukasj commented 8 months ago

right, someone has to do the work and actually exclude the test... I've just haven't found a way how to do it yet. Do you know?

scottmarlow commented 8 months ago

right, someone has to do the work and actually exclude the test... I've just haven't found a way how to do it yet. Do you know?

Do we have a CI job yet for running the TCK (build) make files? If not, I think a user workaround of updating the lib/jaxb_tck40.jtx file to contain the following might be enough:

xml_schema/msData/datatypes/Facets/Schemas/jaxb/IDREFS_length006_395.html#IDREFS_length006_395 xml_schema/msData/datatypes/Facets/Schemas/jaxb/NMTOKENS_length006_438.html#NMTOKENS_length006_438

Is https://ci.eclipse.org/jaxb where such jobs should be setup?

lukasj commented 8 months ago

Is https://ci.eclipse.org/jaxb where such jobs should be setup?

Guru has them under platform CI, I think. Let's wait for him.

lukasj commented 8 months ago

@gurunrao can you build the tck 4.0.1 from master, please? Thx

scottmarlow commented 8 months ago

@gurunrao can you build the tck 4.0.1 from master, please? Thx

As per https://github.com/jakartaee/jaxb-tck/pull/83#issuecomment-1805577610 feedback from @gurunrao, I should be able to build it via https://ci.eclipse.org/jakartaee-tck/job/10/job/eftl-jaxb-tck-build-run-100 and will do so now to stage the 3.0.1 TCK.

scottmarlow commented 8 months ago

https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/ee4j/jakartaee-tck/jakartaee10/staged/eftl/jakarta-xml-binding-tck-4.0.1.zip is the staged TCK that implementations can test against for validation.

scottmarlow commented 8 months ago

WildFly passed against the staged https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/ee4j/jakartaee-tck/jakartaee10/staged/eftl/jakarta-xml-binding-tck-4.0.1.zip TCK and we got the expected number of tests run Pass: 24,624 Fail: 0 Error: 0 Not-Run: 0

Previously we passed 24,624 tests but failed the two excluded tests. Thank @lukasj + @gurunrao!

@lukasj would you like me to create the https://github.com/jakartaee/specifications/issues for promoting the staged TCK?

lukasj commented 8 months ago

@scottmarlow feel free to do so, thanks!

scottmarlow commented 8 months ago

https://deploy-preview-668--jakartaee-specifications.netlify.app/specifications/xml-binding/4.0/ shows the web page preview for the XML Binding 4.0 page update and asks for a Specifications Committee member to promote the TCK.

I created the pull request directly as I think that usually triggers the action more than creating a https://github.com/jakartaee/specifications/issues

gurunrao commented 7 months ago

@gurunrao can you build the tck 4.0.1 from master, please? Thx

As per #83 (comment) feedback from @gurunrao, I should be able to build it via https://ci.eclipse.org/jakartaee-tck/job/10/job/eftl-jaxb-tck-build-run-100 and will do so now to stage the 3.0.1 TCK.

I was away from computers due to holiday on Monday, Thanks @scottmarlow for the release.