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finish deprecation of spi.PersistenceUnitTransactionType #500

Closed lukasj closed 10 months ago

lukasj commented 10 months ago

@gavinking we've missed part in PersistenceUnitInfo; the name of the new method is long, but do you have better idea?

fixes #477

gavinking commented 10 months ago

@lukasj Well, actually I didn't miss it, I deliberately left it out with the plan in mind that we would simply change the return type of the older method in JPA 4.0. That seemed like a better solution than introducing an ugly-named method that would hang around after the original was removed. WDYT?

lukasj commented 10 months ago

I'm thinking about possible transition path and I see two ways it "can" be offered.

Let's assume that everything marked for removal will get removed and v4 contains many incompatible changes

I'm inclining to think 2nd approach is better for most, even though I personally don't use wildcard imports and so I can use the sed way.

In any case, the intent should be clearly communicated - be it this or that. Do you prefer me to update the javadoc instead?

gavinking commented 10 months ago

the intent should be clearly communicated

Yes, that's fair.

Do you prefer me to update the javadoc instead?

That's my (weak) preference, but only because I didn't want to be left with the longer, uglier method name after the migration.

But honestly I don't care much. This is an SPI anyway, it's not in the face of the end user.

lukasj commented 10 months ago

who could we check this with.. @scottmarlow do you have any preference here (from the AS vendor POV)?

lukasj commented 10 months ago

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